When Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...
— Reyo: Hi Sir, his name is Edgar, at Peru, and also here.
— Adonai (Jesus): I heard the voice of a child screaming because of his abusive way of being.
— Reyo: Yes, he actually broke if my angel eyes are not wrong, maybe a leg, or one arm.
— Adonai (Jesus) breaths with anger —
— Adonai (Jesus): Where is he now? I know, but I just want to make sure if he is even after you.
— Reyo: He was "using the phone" close to my house today. He has the appearence of an scorpion.
— Adonai (Jesus) moves the lip and I feel like if my heart feels a touch of his anger —
— Reyo: Did I do something wrong?.
— Adonai: No, but I want you to learn that I corrected him. He is who you know, and now even his wife doesn't want to be with him.
— Reyo: But why so much scandals, I feel this world is going one to other place is crazy.... I am even taken here like experiment to CRAZY people, because I am meek.
— Adonai (Jesus): I said it before Reyo, you will be persecuted and bad treated by people because of me. So, just stay awake, be patience; I am who created you, I am your father.
— Reyo breaths letting go the anxiety —
— Reyo: He used to say at Perú, suddenly:
Yes, because I have a memory that reaches from here to THEREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
— USING his fingers —
— Adonai (Jesus): We bouth know what it means.
— Reyo: Ok.
Bay then.
— Adonai (Jesus): Bay Reyo.
— Adonai: Who is Zeus? (Proverbs 14:16)
— Reyo: To be very precise, he is the grand father or the father of Addam. Neil Gibson, or something like it.
— Adonai (Jesus): And by the times where I used to appear?.
— Reyo: They switch places, Paul, Apolos, and <<"Barnabas">> was the first to be called like that, but if my memory does not fail his name actually was Jacobo or /{Bernabé}/.
— Adonai (Jesus): I will send him a review of the Holy Scriptures. Nothing too difficult, right?.
— Reyo: If you mean with the thunders, the fire that Elijah saw, the ravens who gave food, the fload, the sea opened and the ten plagues.... Hehehehehe, that would be a good thing for him.
— Adonai: Thank you, good night.
— Reyo: Good night.
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