As they call you crazy anyway; Why you matter so much about it?

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»Había un hombre rico, que se vestía de púrpura y de lino fino y hacía cada día banquete con esplendidez. Había también un mendigo llamado Lázaro, que estaba echado a la puerta de aquél, lleno de llagas, y ansiaba saciarse de las migajas que caían de la mesa del rico; y aun los perros venían y le lamían las llagas. Aconteció que murió el mendigo, y fue llevado por los ángeles al seno de Abraham; y murió también el rico, y fue sepultado.

Lucas 16:19-22

"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried.


There's a time in your life that everything seems to go out of its place:
- Friends.
- Health.
- Love.
- Familly.
- Even the faith.

Those moments I prefer to have a dog; But mine:


It was no more than 7 years ago. I was on the house of my mother at Higuey; It's the city in were usually the people go to the Catholic church. A very huge one.

I didn't use to go to it. To be honest: Even if Daniel tries his best to bother me, I am saying the truth; He is an old man with old wishes, but bad ones... Coming back to THE TOPIC:

I was reading sometimes, I disperse my mind on the yiard that is on there around the church; Reading the chatolicall Bible that I bought right after I was fired without no good reason at all at that last job that I had in that moment.

I figured out that I WOULD spend time, in there; Because, I recognize that to know myself; Is one of my greatness cualities.

Again, in the topic; I read, in there I discovered the verse:
Sit down to my right and I will lay down your enemies right in front of your feet.

When I read that I read it for days, even weeks; And I was analyzing how big this promess is...

So; I woke up and started coding again; This time a bible app, as always.... The cat appeared... But; Not only the cat, Jesus himself talked to me appearing right near to hourse, like conducting him, he said:
For God, everything ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS possible.

And make a beutiful smile to the up place over the hourse.

And, I was like: Mmmm.. What is my God Jesus, the only one trying to telll me?.

So, the cat appeared I think that was actually very close to that day. It was like if Jesus was surrounding me with a hourse and a very strong angel over the hourse.

And, you know what... It has A LOT of sense.

I even was able to see an Angel that was full of light, but gold light; He or she was amazing; Could like teleport and show me that he was guarding even douh everything was dark around him or her.

And I decided to code now that I remember: A translator, it was called: End to End script translation.

To be honest; I got the way, but it was a very huge project. But, bravery, I had, time also, what was missing as always was:
The resources.
The people who truly trust in you and are not making traps or being selfish.

Anyway, I was able to take a whole course of PHP, for me to get certified. I look for a job; Got a test and passed the test.

The rest is history... 
What if I do that project one day, ah? I wish Jesuschrist allows me to do so.
And... TO have a good girl by my side would be a very huge gift; I am who I am, even douh the doctor and even the stupid Daniel tries to paint that I am a demon:
He acts like a demon more than me.

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