Am I leper?

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Many lepers were in Siria, saving Naama. The Sirian.

— Jesus Christ.


— Reyo (Brick):

Am I leper?.

— Jesus:

No, acne, in that LOW level that you EVEN have, is not EVEN close to what was leprosy.

— Reyo (Brick):


— Reyo (Brick):

By the way, Minato was grabbing the scriptures...

— Jesus:

Thanks for the CONFIRMATION.

— Reyo (Brick): I was watching the video with my gloves, that is not supposed EVEN to be TOLD to you.

— Jesus:

You are at your house, while you don't do anything bad. Having gloves MAKES NO DIFFERENCE, LEAVE him TO ME.

— Reyo (Brick):


I don't understand that man.


Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Luke 6:31; The Holy Scriptures.


— Reyo (Brick):

How can I have peace? I hate violent people, because if they fight, they don't even fight in a clean way.

— Jesus: 

Let them fight between them.

— Reyo (Brick):

On OUR Kitchen?.

— Jesus:

Just move forward, without looking BACK on your DECISIONS.

— Reyo (Brick):

Ok. I'll make my major effort. I guess that's why Moses has so many followers.

— Jesus: "That fellow".

— Reyo (Brick):

Hahahah, thanks.


Jesus Christ detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

— Jesus.


— A possesed woman:

The powerpuff girls and those animes will make you go crazy. NONE of you can fly, nor have super powers.

— Jesus:

I have witnesses even greater than John had. If I explain you terrenal things, and you do not understand; How then are you going to understand Heavenly things?.



— Jehovah:

WHAT I am saying is TRUTH.


— Reyo (Brick):

Ramses playing the SIMS and a barberman told me that people usualy pray for my BAD...

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