The beuty will pass and the grace is not trusty; But the woman who fears the Lord would be praised.
— Jesus Christ.
— Reyo Message to Ellen —
— Reyo:
Daughter, in just one day I have realised of how wrong I was.My little brother rob me 1000 pesos yesterday night, right before I texted you (but he didn't know I WAS testing him).
My other brother went out to buy like if I was an idiot and I faced him; And guess what, he didn't have the corage to say the truth, instead he called me idiot; Why? Because I know about MAGIC more than him; I made the 1000 TO DISSAPEAR of his eyes. In name of Elohim.
And if it was short; I revoked my mother and step-father together with the demon of my grand-step-father because of these dissaster.
Please, come back, everything said clearly that you were not as bad as people were painting you.
Elyon has to learn a lesson; But apparently he also was not as bad as I thought.
Come today before 9 am.
I love you; But it is written:
The one who loves correction; Saves his life. But the one who ignores it, don't care about it.
— Proverbs (Advices from Jesus Christ).
Is amazing, after I wrote the message to Ellen, here they were even making a party.
These people have the mind in a very very wrong place.
What they don't even know is that I gave my ofrends to God before they even were able to rob me.
Haha, and someone would say: You will be judge for saying that word to them.
And then?
Adonai TOLD ME clearly that HE WILL judge THEM.
Any question.
Good morning.
— Reyo: Clarisa, we will pray in some minutes, Ellen has more than 30 minutes to come here.
— Clarisa: She went out crying, but she kind of felt that you were not knowing what you did.
— Reyo: Maybe, actually I don't investigate her life on internet. But I don't know why I saw like if people put a lot of bombs and things like that around her.
— Clarisa: Well, that is weird.
— Reyo: Is like if many, many are extremely gelous; Even to me. Yesterday my brother took from me 1000 pesos from my pocket just when I was explaining him the importance of love above money. Do you imagine how incredible weird and out of sense is that?Does it has sense? That your brother rob you as a pure thief almost in your eyes and when you come back after the robery you found out that in the house they are making a "prudent" party. Hahahah.
— Jesus Rivas: So, they made a party with a low music.
— Reyo remains in silence —
— Jesus gets angry: Thank you I know the answer.
— Reyo remains in silece for a second but tells him: You always knew, I sent you a day that they were putting the music like crazy people.
— Jesus doesn't answer —
The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's army
EspiritualWhen Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...