An expectular come back - from Ellen and ME

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The beuty will pass and the grace is not trusty; But the woman who fears the Lord would be praised.

— Jesus Christ.


— Reyo Message to Ellen —

— Reyo:
Daughter, in just one day I have realised of how wrong I was.

My little brother rob me 1000 pesos yesterday night, right before I texted you (but he didn't know I WAS testing him).

My other brother went out to buy like if I was an idiot and I faced him; And guess what, he didn't have the corage to say the truth, instead he called me idiot; Why? Because I know about MAGIC more than him; I made the 1000 TO DISSAPEAR of his eyes. In  name of Elohim.

And if it was short; I revoked my mother and step-father together with the demon of my grand-step-father because of these dissaster.

Please, come back, everything said clearly that you were not as bad as people were painting you.

Elyon has to learn a lesson; But apparently he also was not as bad as I thought.

Come today before 9 am.

I love you; But it is written:

The one who loves correction; Saves his life. But the one who ignores it, don't care about it.

— Proverbs (Advices from Jesus Christ).


Is amazing, after I wrote the message to Ellen, here they were even making a party.

These people have the mind in a very very wrong place.

What they don't even know is that I gave my ofrends to God before they even were able to rob me.


Haha, and someone would say: You will be judge for saying that word to them.

And then?

Adonai TOLD ME clearly that HE WILL judge THEM.

Any question.

Good morning.


— Reyo: Clarisa, we will pray in some minutes, Ellen has more than 30 minutes to come here.

— Clarisa: She went out crying, but she kind of felt that you were not knowing what you did.

— Reyo: Maybe, actually I don't investigate her life on internet. But I don't know why I saw like if people put a lot of bombs and things like that around her.

— Clarisa: Well, that is weird.
— Reyo: Is like if many, many are extremely gelous; Even to me. Yesterday my brother took from me 1000 pesos from my pocket just when I was explaining him the importance of love above money. Do you imagine how incredible weird and out of sense is that?

Does it has sense? That your brother rob you as a pure thief almost in your eyes and when you come back after the robery you found out that in the house they are making a "prudent" party. Hahahah.

— Jesus Rivas: So, they made a party with a low music.

— Reyo remains in silence —

— Jesus gets angry: Thank you I know the answer.

— Reyo remains in silece for a second but tells him: You always knew, I sent you a day that they were putting the music like crazy people.

— Jesus doesn't answer —

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