A call to justice

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Consider the blameless; A future uprights to the ones who seeks peace.
Psalm 37


— Reyo: Joseph, I am not calling you to tell you about a "son".

— Reyo: I know "that you are in torment" right now... But you are only sleeping.

Listen, Jesus and me are very angry with you because the one who sow tares in his parable about the sower:

Is you.

Dear FRIEND, I wanted to help you but you made yourself proud of you; I tried to cure you but you made yourself the sickest one so that when I come close to you other might say:
LOOK Reyo is CRAZY because is with Joseph.

So for you to keep the LINE with others.

In the name of my father Jesus ANSWER if you can! (Job 41:2).



— Reyo: While Jesus carry you, I will ask you as a FAVOUR:

DO NOT PUT your HANDS on my work when HE and ME KNOW that we have done it well.

ASK HIM first!

You ARE NOT God. And I will repeat it to you WITH THUNDERS, YOU ARE NOT GOD!


And the son coming to his senses; SAID: The workers {IN the house of my father} have even to spear; I will tell to MY FATHER (Jesus), to make me as one of his workers.

—  Jesus Christ talking WITH Joseph TODAY.

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