When Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...
Neither I tell you with what authority I do these things.
— Jesus of Nazareth.
— Jesus: Reyo, I KNOW what is what is worrying you. And yes, you don't have to connect everything.
Just play 10 games; If you win before 8 p.m; You know what it means.
— Reyo: Thank you.
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I have told to my mother MANY times not to come with the jeep late at night.
But as people are trying to force the laws of live; She thinks that she is doing good.
As well as some days ago I told her: You have the smell of someone who was drinking alcohol.
She moved to the kid's room and said: You are always smelling what is NOT.
Then I said: I am not a lier, Jehovah revokes you!
Happy Batman or Fraely??
Or do you need " A CHESS MATCH ".
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Mi abuela es miedosa disque para quebrantar la ley pero hace cosas malas en secreto.
Hipócritas, bien profetizó de vosotros Isaías, cuando dijo: Este pueblo de labios me honra; Mas su corazón está lejos de mí. Pues en vano me honran, Enseñando como doctrinas, mandamientos de hombres.
Mateo 15:7-9
You hypocrites! How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you!
'These people, says God, honor me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me.
It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach human rules as though they were my laws!'"