The vineyard [Off]

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—You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[]  But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.  And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

— Jesus of Nazareth.


— Adonai: Buen día.
— Reyo: Buen día sir.

— Adonai: Listo para empezar (speaking with an Owl).

— Reyo: Yes, hehe; That owl seems very, very well trained.
— Adonai: It is, I own all the things, including animals.

— Reyo: Well, I will pray.


9:17 a.m

Finished with my praying and routine.


— The angel, knew that was still close to the 9th hour; So he went to a park ...

— Reyo: You seem to be Joel, aren't you?.
— Joel: Yes.

— Reyo:  Do you have A JOB?.

— Joel: Yes, at this moment.

— Reyo: Ok...


— Reyo: Antonio again, mm... This time you look prepared to work, want to follow me? The rules are going to be easy.

— Antonio: Yes.

— We go together to the vineyard.


A los suyos vino, más éstos no le recibieron.

To the ones whom he loved he came; But they didn't receive him.

— Written by John, about Jesus our God.


Someone asked to the little girl:

WHY people DON'T like ... ?

She with an incredible way of being said:
Because he always smell bad!


— Reyo: Hahahah...

— Antonio: What are you smiling at?.
— Reyo: Remembering a girl yesterday.

— Antonio: Ah, what she did?.
— Reyo tells him and bouth start laughing —


There are people, that don't understand that God puts limits to the things; And they just want MORE and more.

For example; The son of Solomon, instead of listening the advice of the old ones who were wise; He decided to listen to his partners.

That is being imprudent, and TO BE HONEST: Coward.

He just want to hide that he depends on Jesus... That's why it's easy for me to figure out his whole cronology.


— Good morning everyone.

— Reyo see Ellen and James in the VIP section (that is a good sign) —


And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

— Jesuschrist.


— Reyo: Elyon, are you ok?.
— Elyon moves without knowing how to explain —

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