An incoherence took down.

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My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man.

John 10:27


— Jesus: Who told you that you are making me loose my time?.

— Reyo: Paul.

— Jesus: Who was playing while he was praying in the church today?.

— Reyo: PAUL.

— Jesus: What other thing should I quote of quote ask to you so for them to understand that I see everything?.

— Reyo: Nothing, you know everything as said Peter ONE day.

— Jesus: Who is the one making questions without understanding? (Job 41:2).

— Reyo: Paul with the body of Will Smith.

— Jesus: Let's end up this; I am angrier than what I would not like to express.... WHO SAID THAT your girl is pregnant TODAY?.

— Reyo: Paul again, but it was a lie. And if it was short, Paul is homosexual; He gave signals of that; And huge ones.

— Jesus (Adonai): I was watching him turning himself DOWN as tares in the fire


— Reyo: Welcome.

— Reyo: Welcome

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Att: Jesus of Nazareth and Reyo.


— A devil: Where does it says that?.

— Reyo: I told you that it is written on Proverbs.

— Another devil looks for an iron ... —

— Reyo: ARE YOU PLANNING TO HIT ME WITH THAT? I am a commander a step forward you make and I will hit you as you don't imagine!

— He got afraid —

— While I went to my house I saw him coming after me I stoped; I ate and he went back to his place .. I was eating my bread like : COME, I am not a milimeter AFRAID of you —


Then I saw you with green t-shirt LOST in the street.

Just as I saw Adriana, because she was doing diabolic things.

Any question?.

Ask Jesus in HIS WORD.


By me? YOU'VE BEEN Check-mated and if you needed a fight .... WHY did you RAN away?.

 WHY did you RAN away?

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The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's armyWhere stories live. Discover now