Someone who THOGHT that was over Jesus

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Matthew 11


Today on my training, I was meditating .... And suddenly, just like Inuyasha I woke up, place myself on position to fight and turned RIGHT in front of the big moon.


— Reyo Rodriguez: Jesus, there is a very big mistake over the history of "IP Man".

— Jesus of Nazareth: What is it?.

— Reyo Rodriguez: They paint him like if he didn't know how to use a sword. But actually he was on a secta.

— Jesus of Nazareth: Is a deliciated topic, but you also know that YESTERDAY I said that I don't want you to reserve any word that you know that might has been said in secret.

— Reyo Rodriguez: Well, the actual killer of a master was not the quote of quote brother of IP, actually, IP mounted something, he made it difficult to figure out who was the assassin. Because he was first invited to kill him, but he preferred to do something on the shadows.

That's why they spent a lot of money, and even dough, he actually had to make the scene almost blind.

— Jesus of Nazareth: Precise report. I will analyze it, SENT IT TO MY E-MAIL, AND TURN OVER our encrypt program to save my email in there.

— Reyo Rodriguez: Done.

— Jesus of Nazareth: Good night.

— Reyo Rodriguez: Good night.


— Reyo Rodriguez: Jesus

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— Reyo Rodriguez: Jesus....

— Jesus of Nazareth: Aja..?.

— Reyo Rodriguez: Michael Jordan spirit has been here more than what I would like to admit. He is guided by the spirit of Judah and a demon that goes to the church with a big bottle of water ALWAYS.

— Jesus of Nazareth: Perfect, don't be worry. As much you give me of your yoke it will become easy and my burden lighter (Matthew 11:30).

— Reyo Rodriguez's angel goes — 

— Reyo Rodriguez's angel goes — 

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No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. 

— Adonai (angry because of the lies of nowadays). 

The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's armyWhere stories live. Discover now