Why are you thempting me, said my CREATOR

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Matthew 17:24–27


— Reyo: So, you thought that I would never realized about your traps Robert.

— Robert: What are you talking about?.

— Reyo: Adonai revokes you! 


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— Robert: And then?.

— Reyo: Oh, so, you are thempting my God; I will show you that HE IS GIVING ME his hand but to you that hand would be taken OUT.

— Reyo: Oh, so, you are thempting my God; I will show you that HE IS GIVING ME his hand but to you that hand would be taken OUT

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— Jeliel comes and see — 

— Reyo: Yes, you were his companion. Your kid looses the fight and you made a show and an arrangement for the kid to fight again. It is "not in my conscern"; But God loves that the things are actually made with integrity.

— Jacob tries to fight with me — 

— I avoid him with just one step — 

— Reyo: Don't make me make you PIECES! 


— Jesus: Don't fight him Reyo.
— Reyo: If you tell me not to; You know that I wont.

— Jesus: Yes, he is loosing the concept of what is the reality about God; Leave him to me.

— Reyo: It's interesting; Because I saw him in the floor... 

— Jesus: Yes, he has the ego too high; That's why I showed you even the movement to confront him.

— Reyo: Ok, thank you; His followers spit on the floor, he is so proud of them, but... Doesn't actually pays attention to those things.

— Jesus: Thanks, if he doesn't come back to me. His future would be worst; Leave him.

— Reyo doesn't answer but he have had showed him his sword — 

— Reyo doesn't answer but he have had showed him his sword — 

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Todo acto de la vida, por poco importante que parezca, ejerce su influencia en la formación del carácter. Un buen carácter es la más preciosa de todas las posesiones mundanales, y la obra de formarlo es la más noble a la que pueda dedicarse el hombre.

Every act of life, no matter how unimportant it may seem, exerts its influence on the formation of character. A good character is the most precious of all worldly possessions, and the work of forming it is the noblest to which man can devote himself.

Ellen G. White.
God's female MESSAGER.


— Jezabel:

And you send me the picture of the accident!!!!!

— Reyo ignores him and listends to Jesus — 

— Jesus:

I will show you how is a tare, how is to work hard; How is to hold your truth feelings and to prettend to fool me.

THAT is what I WILL send to you. 


— Reyo: May I request a new angel?.
— Jesus: Yes, I am prepparing a new one for you.
— Reyo: Thank you, like the 3 measures of flor?.

— Jesus: Yes, my little sheap — happy — 

— Reyo breaths happy as well: — Thank you, for real.
— Jesus: Always Reyo, there's more joy for one person in reppentance than for 99 just that don't need reppentance.
— Reyo: Thanks. 


He who refuses one of those little ones; To me is refusing.

— Jesuschrist. 


— Reyo: Jesus, they swear that you are Francisco.

— Jesus: He is the anti-christ; He would be one of the most highly punished by me if he does not understand.

— Reyo: Well, I AM GIVING YOU A TRUTH TESTIMONY. I don't even want him neither his brother CLOSE to me.

— Jesus: Who is his brother?.
— Reyo: The brother of "EVERYONE"; Peter.

— Jesus: It's a delicated case and you know why, BUT its truth


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The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's armyWhere stories live. Discover now