What do you want from me?

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And came the one with TWO talents and said:
Here's the one talent you gave me; Now they are two...

What else am I missing — added Reyo —


— Jesus Christ: Hello Reyo.

— Reyo: Hello, I feel bad I am using the new talent and here again my step-father is at the kitchen without t-shirt.


I have told you that softly like almost maybe a thousand times, and I am not lying; What is the problem Jesus, WHAT IS????

— Jesus Christ: It is his kitchen, you might have one in a future.

— Reyo: I might, yes, because I have little faith and I recognise it; But what other thing mantains a devil in the kitchen??? WHAT?.

— Jesus Christ: Your brothers are totally inmadure Reyo, is that, you are forgetting about them, but they even admire their dad because they think that he is the only one who could face you... But you know that those things are  children things.

— Reyo: Yes but, .... This is driving me crazy, if I have to fast, at least I would like to have a guide of how or when to fast you know; But I don't know how or when to do it. So for they to "ENJOY" their father.

— Jesus Christ: You know that I feel sorry because of this Reyo, don't be so anrgy with me, there are people that don't have even what to eat.

— Reyo: Yes... But I haven't done anything for this Hell to continue. And if I did, sorry, I said it again, and I will say it again: SORRY, please forgive me. They are going to believe that you are the bad here.

— Jesus Christ: If they believe so, is because you are being weak.

— Reyo: Yes, but many are like me. As well as you said; Many don't have even what to eat.

— Jesus Christ: You know that the lesson here is that you could eat even from your step-father. But you don't want to do it.

— Reyo: Because I am sure that I don't want him NEVER again in my life NEVER, I said to you even the only condition:

IF HE IS NOT THE SAME DEVIL, then if he values what I tried to teach them; Then he could be again my step-father.

And my only way to remember me that I don't want him is to refuse his food! And I trust in you that he is not inventing in the kitchen as a monkey with "mind".

— Jesus Christ: I know that you are being honest, but is patience Reyo, patience, you could not be my commander if you loose it so easily. I want you to lead many, you even have an idea of how many they would be. So be patience.

— Reyo stays quiet — 

— Reyo: Ok.... But please, as well as you stoped him from puttin those ugly music that he put. I want you at your time to remove him from my sight. Even if I have to go from here.

He is not a normal person, you know that even more than me. I could even kill him if he tries to do so; But the worst part is that I am never with the mindset of fighting, but he is like a bull after a person. IS CRAZY.

— Jesus Christ: Does today he show that mindset?.

— Reyo: Yes... Even to my brother, but he is another case, he is another crazy person. He loves power and recognisement. I said it straight, he is "superman"; For me, they can even live here in the earth and I will go to heaven I am getting out of patience of these two maniacs.

— Jesus Christ: If they persist with their desire of having monkeis with "mentality" and a man "that flies"; I willl take you to heaven even before than it happen Reyo. And you would be an angel.

— Reyo: I know that; That's why I don't understand why I said clearly here that I am an angel and they are trying to play with me. 

— Jesus Christ: It is correct, I understand that. Don't worry, remember that in the past you were not as good as you are now. And even now you have things to improve.

— Reyo: Ok, it's truth... I will have patience, I am just making the duty that I should do: To tell to you my problems.

— Jesus Christ: Am I your step father or a bad judge?.

— Reyo: No.

— Jesus Christ: Then, wait for a good judgement, and don't get desperate.

— Reyo: Ok. Thank you, I hope that she, and you know who is; Get better as well with the time... I love her as she is.

— Jesus Christ: I know it Reyo, bay, take care and don't pay attention to minor details.

— Reyo: Ok, bay; Thank you.


"Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief." 


— Reyo: Jesus this has the attributes of a talent given directly from you.

— Jesus: You know how was your first vission with me.

— Reyo: In that case ... Here is your talent that you gave to me; Now is in the bank spiritually.

— Jesus: Exactly, and salvation will come to them.
Thank you Reyo.

— Reyo: Ammm.... Hehe, I am happier than I thought.

— Jesus: In a future you would be even more, remember, I have things that not human mind has ever imagined. You thanks to me and to your honesty with me... Are getting closer to me everyday... It is suppose to give you results.

— Reyo: Thank you for trusting in me.

— Jesus: Well done, faithfull and good servant; You can enter to my joy....

— Jesus: Well done, faithfull and good servant; You can enter to my joy

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— Reyo: It has produced more than what I thought.

— Jesus Christ: Yes, sometimes people understimate even me; Reyo.

— Reyo: Yes, it's truth. Even that one that we never imagined.

— Jesus Christ: That's it. Bay.

— Reyo: Bay.


 Mark 3:37

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