Apolions' trap

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Pero Jesús les dijo: Por la dureza de vuestro corazón os escribió este mandamiento.

Marcos 10:4


— Reyo: This is going to be short.

— Adonai: Tell me.

— Reyo: Apolion's trap is "Death's note" trap. He is sending people to make Electroencefalograms; And it makes a dependency in the body that when the person is not being honest in a constant way.....

The cerebral part that activates the consecuencial thinking goes on, and does not stop and the heart beats faster; Untill ...

Probabbly even killing the person.

— Adonai: And you had to work too much to get to that conclusion?.

— Reyo: You know that no. HE was today at the cort watching from the outside; I got that he is out of "weapons". So I was thinking what is his truth plan.

— Adonai: And you saw him trying to supplnant that on you?.

— Reyo: It's funny when he tried to do so, my phone sounded after and I PUT THE PHONE on his face challenging him; By saying: I am FASTER than you.

— Adonai: So he made a sound like those ones that you learned in Hipnosis, to make a pivot starting point.

— Reyo: Yep — while my phone lights up — 

— Adonai: Ok, I WILL FIGHT with him. I am tottaly against those things of Death Note. Thank you.

— Reyo: Welcome.


Por tanto, lo que Dios ha unido, ningún hombre lo separe.

Mark 10:9, The Holy Scriptures.

The intersterlar battle - Jesus, Reyo's Unknows army vs Apolion's armyWhere stories live. Discover now