When Reyo finishes his job as a king 7 years after was chosen another king on the earth. Reyo; Was not in the same level as him, so the city, the town, the country was suffering because of the gula, abominations and permissive way of being of that k...
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.
— Jesus of Nazareth.
— Reyo: Hello Sir. — Jesus of Nazareth: Hi Reyo, what is the matter?.
— Reyo: Amm... I know that you have already put away those devils that Judah wanted to send back to me; I even saw him talking with Zerah. Apparently, those devils are associated with something that you might be very interested at.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Please, say it with details.
— Reyo: Those devils are associated to the men who have practiced homosexuality at least once in their life.
— Jesus of Nazareth: How could you tell?.
— Reyo: Cesar, he was the friend that I had that was more close to those things; And there's more.... The man that you take out the devils from...
Is identicall to him in my eyes; AND YOU KNOW that I have angelicall EYES.
— Jesus of Nazareth: That is truth, I also gave you signal; Stop the download that you are making. The devil is more mad than what I like to explain.
— Reyo: Ok I stopped it. Ammm... I was worry, but I think I told you everything, even .... Judah, as far as I saw, he had kind of a relationship with Zerah.
— Jesus of Nazareth: You know that for me is disgusting to talk about this things; But you have also said something truth.
As Jesus Christ, I confirmed that with you. With my hand. Didn't I?.
— Reyo: Yes. Do you think t... Well, just for the sake of those that have short faith.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Please.
— Reyo:
— Jesus of Nazareth: Why it says deleted scenes?.
— Reyo: Erick uploaded them. You know more than me who he is... He is Pilato, and his brother again is Cesar.
The sad part (and the letters became bold alone); Is .... THAT Erick, the friend that I even had; WAS ACTUALLY in my hood with the fame of homosexual.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Thank you. IS RAINING... You can take a rest. Just take a peace of the music that you need and complete your other task.
Leave Zerah and Judah to me. They are now in much less freedom to hurt you either you nor me.
— Reyo: thank you.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Welcome.
Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So he bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them.
LUKE 4:38,39 - The Holy Scriptures.
— John: They were working.
— Reyo: Jesus could you please talk to this man and his father? He is out of his mind and sorry, I don't like to say that word.
— Jesus of Nazareth: He is not letting me to work entirely with me and is gelous.
— Reyo: Well, WE said so; Because it's TRUTH.
— Jesus of Nazareth: As well as we know that we are not homosexuals at all. Leave him Reyo, he likes to be seen.
— Reyo: Is sad :/ he should start to try to CHANGE what is bad in his personality.
— Jesus of Nazareth: That is a good advice Reyo; Take your resting time by doing your other task I am aware that he actually wants to be above everything.
— Reyo: THANKS.
— Jesus of Nazareth: Welcome.
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