Chapter 1

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"Matilda Dad wants you to come down" Willow yells for me

"Coming" I yell back

I quickly put on my long sleeve shirt and head downstairs to the kitchen. I walk in to see my dad making us breakfast before our first day of school. It's my senior year and I'm really excited but I'm starting at a public school this time and people will know me. I sit down at the table and dad gives me some eggs and bacon.

"Morning love. How did you sleep" he says

"I slept good. I can't wait to start my last year of high school" I say

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't forget that you need to drive your brother and sister home when they are done with school" he says

"Okay" I say stuffing my face

I get up from the table and go upstairs to grab my jacket and my bag. I grab the keys to mom's car since she won't need it. I leave the house and head to school. It's not a far drive but I hope I'll make it in time. I woke up a little too late today. I make it to my new school and park my car in the front of the building. I step out and go into the back of the car to grab my bag. I grab it out the backseat and start heading towards the school. I walk inside and see the office on the left hand side so I walk over to it.

"Good morning can I help you" the lady at the desk says

"Hello I'm a new student. I'm just starting today" I say

"Okay I can help you out. What's your name" she says

"Matilda Styles" I say

The lady sitting at the big brown chair at the white desk goes blank. She pauses for a second because she obviously knows who I am. It's nothing new. This happens to me all the time. I mean I look more like my mother then my father but I have his face shape sorta and I have his eyes. I most definitely have some of his height since I am  taller than my mother. Not that much taller but I am.

"Oh yes we were expecting you" she says

"So where am I supposed to go" I say

"Oh right. Here is your schedule and I hope you have a good first day" she says

I walk out of the office and take a right down the long hall. I try and just follow the room numbers to find my first class. Dad wanted me to get a body guard to bring with me but I instead not to. It took a lot of convincing to be alone. I finally find room 148 and walk inside. When I walk in I see a lot of eyes on me but I just look away. I'm used to it. When your dad's a famous celebrity who has his own music career it tends to get easier when people look at you. I just sit down at an empty blue seat in the back of the classroom and watch as the teacher starts talking. He looks at me and smiles but just treats me like another kid. I like when people don't act like I'm special. It feel different. A good different..

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