Chapter 30

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I'm awaken to a noise coming from outside my room. I sit up looking at the clock and see it's 2:34 Am. Who could that possibly be. I get out of bed and go over to my door. I slowly open it to see someone standing at the end of the hallway wearing all black. I close my door as quietly as I could and lock it. I pick my phone up and go into my bathroom. I lock the door and phone uncle Louis because I'm the only one home tonight. The twins had a school trip and dad didn't want them sleeping with the other kids because they were getting used for fame.

"hello uncle lou" I say

"Matilda? Are you okay? it's almost 3 am" Louis says

"Someone broke into the house and I'm scared. Please come. I can't let anyone hurt this baby" I say starting to cry

"What!. I'm on my way right now. Are you safe" Louis says

"I locked myself in my room" I say

"Okay good I'm getting into the car now' I'm calling the police. Stay were you are" Louis says

Uncle Louis hangs up the phoned I use my bathroom counter to help me sit down on my bathroom floor. I just hold my stomach and just listen for noises. I hear footsteps walking up and down the hall until I hear a door open. I hear something fall in dad's room next door to mine and then a door slam shut. I hold my stomach tighter. I can't stop shaking. What if they are looking for me. What if they want to hurt my baby.

Suddenly I hear sirens in the distance and the front door swing open. I hear footsteps running up the stairs and a banging on my door. I walk out of my bathroom and just pause.

"It's me. Let me in"Uncle Louis says

I open the door and uncle Lou hugs me.

"It's okay. They got him. He's outside now. Can you come down and see if you know him" Uncle Louis says

I walk down the stairs with uncle Louis holding my hand. One we reach the bottom of the stairs we walk out onto the front step to see the police holding this guy. I notice the red hair seeping out from under the hood that's on his head. No. It can't be Charlie. He's supposed to be in jail. How. The cop takes the guys hood off and it confirms that it's Charlie.

"Do you know this guy" The cop says

"Yes he was arrested weeks ago for raping me" I say

The cops face goes white realizing this was an escaped prisoner. They thank me for identifying him and walk him to the police car. I watch as Charlie is forced in because he's struggling and doesn't want to listen. Uncle Louis and I walk back into the house and sit down on the couch in the living room.

"Are you okay" Louis says

"Yeah I'm okay" I say holding my stomach

"You feeling okay though. You look really shaken up" Louis says

"I'll be okay. Do you think you could make em some tea though" I say

"Of course" Louis says

I walk into the kitchen with uncle Lou and sit down at the island while he makes me some tea.

"Where's Freddie tonight" I say

"He's with his mum. He'll be back with me in two day" Louis says

"That's good. I miss him. He's a good kid" I say

"Yeah he really is" Louis says

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