Chapter 32

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Uncle Louis and I are just sitting on the couch when dad rushes through the front door and over to us.

"I'm so glad you okay love" Dad says holding onto me

"Dad I'm okay uncle Louis was here for me" I say

"Thanks mate I appreciate it" Dad says

"Anytime but I should head out. I have to get ready for Freddie to come over" Louis says

Uncle Louis get sup and hugs all of us good bye then leaves. Dad walks away towards the kitchen and the twins are doing something. I don't know what they are doing. I just sit on the couch holding my rubbing my stomach. It doesn't look like it got any bigger in a few days. Maybe baby wants to take its time growing. I can't wait to see what I'm having but I still have to wait a while before I find out.

Suddenly I get really sick and go to the bathroom. I throw up a little more than usual. It's probably because I ate food before I need up throwing up. I get up and wash my face in the sink. After i'm done I walk out of the bathroom. Dad is in the kitchen making some food so I go and sit down at the island to talk to him.

"Hey dad" I say

"Hey love how are you feeling" Dad says

"I feel okay. I just threw up though" I say

"Do you want something for your stomach" Dad says

"No I think I'm okay now" I say

I get up from the table and head upstairs to my room. I go onto my balcony and just enjoy the nice fall breeze. It's only October but it's not that cold yet. I look at the trees in the distance and watch the blue sky. I go back into my room and close the balcony doors behind me. Once I close them Willow and Cole come into my room.

"Sis where's dad" Willow says

"Yeah where's dad we can't find him" Cole says

"I don't know. I thought he was making you both food in the kitchen" I say

"Yeah we ate already but where did he go" Willow says

"I don't know. Let's go look for him" I say

The twins and I go downstairs to look for dad. We look in the living room and kitchen but he isn't there. We look in the backyard but he isn't there too. I decided to look out the front door to see if I can see him. I see him talking to some security guards out by the front gate of our house. I walk outside and shut the big front doors behind me. I walk over to Dad but he notices me before I get over to him.

"Wait there love" dad yells over to me

I wait by the front steps of the house holding my stomach. It's the one thing I love to do these day. Just waiting until my baby starts kicking is dragging. I know it will happen one day though. I watch dad as he talk to the guard. He puts his hand on his head and the other on his hip. I can tell he's annoyed right now but I want to know what's happening. What is dad doing?

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