Chapter 40

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it's been a few weeks since I've had my miscarriage. Lilly has been in jail as well. They also took Charlie's phone away from him when dad turned in all the messages they have sent me. I'm glad that they are getting more time on both of their sentences now that all the messages have been reviewed. After all the destruction done to our house dad has been looking to move. He just wants to keep us safe and since we are all homeschooled now he thinks it's a great idea. 

So we are packing the house up. Dad found a good house a street down from uncle Niall. Uncle Niall says it's a quiet place with a lot of security. Dad is nervous about moving but it is what it is. We have the money to move wherever we want to but I really liked this house. This is the house I've known my whole life. I'm going to be sad to leave it but I know it's for the best. 

I get up off the floor from packing up the last box in my bedroom. I've already helped the twins pack since they aren't quite good at it. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see dad packing up all the plates and glasses. I just walk past him and go outside onto the porch. I look out at the yard until I put my hands in my pockets to feel a cigarette that I've been hiding from dad. I've picked up smoking since my miscarriage as well. It keeps me calm and I do it sometimes instead of cutting. I go over to the path next to the house that leads to the woods and stand behind a tree. I put the cigarette in my mouth and light it up. I stand there smoking until I finish the cigarette. I throw it onto the ground and step on it to make sure it's out.

I walk back through the path back up to our house that is no longer going to be our house anymore. I walk into the kitchen and dad gives me a side eye. Yeah he can probably smell the smoke on me but I don't care at this point. I walk back upstairs to my room and start bringing down my boxes from my room. I place about ten boxes in the living room before the movers start taking them out to the trucks. The movers take the rest of the stuff out of the room while dad is loading some important stuff up in our car. I walk outside to the car while the twins are getting in. 

"You ready to go to the new house love" Dad says

"Yeah I'm think I'm ready" I say

I turn around and look at our house one last time before we go. I stand there for a few moments and even wipe a tear off my face. I turn back around and get into the car with dad. We follow the movers as they drive out in front of us. The ride over was quiet. I watched as we pass trees and buildings that end up getting fancier looking as we drive through the neighborhood. We drive past uncle Niall's house letting me know we are almost at our new home. 

We drive up our new driveway and behind the gates that look a lot stronger then the ones at our last house. The gates automatically close behind us and we drive up to a big brick house. It looks a little old but it seems very peaceful. dad stop the car in front of the house and I get out. I take a few steps away from the car and just try to take in the new house. I think I will actually like it here.    

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