Chapter 18

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I run out of the classroom and start walking as soon as I get out. I just speed walk though because I need to get out soon. I make it to the single stall bathroom and lock myself inside. I pull my phone out and go to my recent calls. I go to call mum and have her pick me up but I hesitate. Would she even pick me up? I could just lie and say that I need my medication and that I shouldn't be in school until it's finally fixed. Yeah I'll do that. I pick my phone up and press call on mums number. As I'm waiting for her to answer tears strewn down my face as I'm sitting on the bathroom floor.

"Hello sweetheart you okay" mum says

"No I need you" I say crying

"What's wrong? Didn't school just start" mum says

"Yeah but I need to go home. Please come get me. My medicine isn't working and I can't get all these thoughts out of my head. I can't stop crying and having urges. Please come get me" I say

"Im on my way. I'll call them now and tell them you'll be waiting for me at the front" mum says

"Thanks mum see you soon" I say

I hang up the phone and stand up off the floor. I look at myself in the mirror and wipe away my tears. Once I look presentable I grab my bag and head to the front where mum would come get me. She knows I have my car here but she'll probably send someone to go and pick it up. I make it to the front and see mum pulling in. She walks up and signs me out for the rest of the day. Once we make it to her car I see dad. He's dressed very casually and wearing some sunglasses. They both decided they would never come to my school unless necessary because they didn't want to cause attention. We make It to the car and they start talk to me.

"How are you doing love" dad says

"I just want to go home" I say

"Okay well can I have your keys so I can bring your car home and dad can drive you" mum says

I hand mum my keys and she gets out of the car. I lay down in the backseat as dad starts driving away. I can tell he's worried because he keeps looking in the mirror at me. We make it home so I sit up and get out of the car. I walk inside but before I can make it even a quarter up the stairs dad stops me. I turn to look at him but I can't bring myself to say anything so I just stand there and wait for him to say something.

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