The Most Beautiful Siren

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I have always been a careful and kind captain. I cared more about my crew and my ship then I ever did about myself. I took care of all of them, like they were my own children, not that I have any yet. My ship and my crew are my life and I will do whatever is possible to protect them.

Who knew I was going to fail them.

I was going to do what many didn't. I was going to wait until I'm done with my last trip before courting a young maiden. Only then would I start a family and live a quiet life. I would never put my family through the pain of seeing me go off into the dangers of the see, wondering when, if, I would ever come back to them.

I've seen this happen to many families before. Children having to become accustomed to one parent, women becoming lonely and sad widows when they still have their youth and beauty. It's a disheartening sight to see and that is why I must way until I am done with my last journey.

And I must say that I am most excited because it has finally come. I have finally left on what is to be my last journey, to sail to Spain and deliver and oh so important message from my Queen and then return. Return and start a comfortable and content life with a lovely wife.

I already got my sights set on such a pretty young girl. The eldest daughter of my first mate as finally entered the first stages of becoming a lovely young maiden. It already has been determined that I will court her once we get back.

"Captain Payne," My first mate, Malik, yelled out to me, breaking me of the wonderful thoughts of a quiet life. "We need to find shelter for the night. There are signs saying that a great storm is coming this way and we would not be able to survive it."

"Very well, do you know of any shelter we can take that is nearby?" I asked him.

"I had already asked Tomlinson and he told us that there is a cave near us that's about only a half hours sail away, but to steer clear of it." Malik informed me.

"Why would we steer clear of a cave that is only a half hours sail away when we need to get to safety?" I asked him, quite unbelieving that our ship's helmsman would tell him this.

"He said that the cave is cave Sirenes Cupiditas." Malik hesitantly told me.

Everyone knew of that cave and everyone knew to stay clear of it. It has been said that that cave is filled with the most beautiful, vicious sirens known to this world. Their beautiful, sultry voices are supposed to lure you in and then their undeniable beauty causes you to abandon ship and swim to where they are perched. And once they have you in their clutches, they are rumored to suck the soul out of you before eating your body.

Of course, I was never one to believe in such foolish tales. How could I when there has never once been proof of this mythical creature's existence? If this is the closest cave then we are going to dwell there for the night. I am not about to let some fools tale meant to scare young children away from the sea put my crew and ship in danger.

"Does Tomlinson know of any other cave nearby that we can spend the night?" I asked my first mate.

"I believe that is the only one that he knows of."

"Then so be it. We shall reside in cave Sirenes Cupiditas for the night. And just to make everyone feel safe, I am ordering you to tie everyone on this ship up. Everyone except for yourself, Tomlinson, Styles, and myself, have Styles help you with the task. At least until we get there. Once there, I will tie the rest of you up." I ordered him.

"What about yourself Captain? Who would tie you up once in the cave?" Malik asked me, obviously worried about my well-being.

I waved a hand of dismissal at him. "Don't worry about me ol' friend. I don't believe in such fool's tales. Besides who would set you all free after night's end?"

"Eye eye Captain." He said as he went off and did as I ordered.

I went and helped tie some of the grew up as the ship took course towards the cave and by the time we got there, all but the four of us were tied up nice and tight, but not too tight to where is was uncomfortable. Once, Styles had docked the boat, I quickly tied the remaining three to a wooden pool at the top, front of the deck.

I sat with them a while, all of us making small talk and discussing future plans and even reminiscing old memories together. They have been apart my crew since the beginning and we've all formed a strong bond over the years. This was all our last trip together and we were going to have one last hoorah after it back home before we would all go our separate ways.

All of a sudden I heard the most beautiful sound, no wait, the most beautiful singing that has ever met my ears. My head shot up in the direction the glorious sound to be met with a most beautiful sight perched on a rock no more than a hundred yards away.

At first glance you would believe you were looking a beautiful young maiden. The beautiful, purple nightgown flows down their long pale legs, but hugs the lovely young creature's curvaceous hips deliciously. The long blond hair falling in beautiful ringlets down to their waste, begging to be touched. And the beautiful, slightly feminine, Irish lure of their voice is like heaven to your ears.

All of this creates a beautiful illusion of a delectable young woman. But it is not.

I look up into a face of a handsome young man. While there is still some femininity, such as in the plump red lips and wide blue eyes there is no doubt that this fine creature was in fact male. But that has me even more intrigued.

I got up from my siting position across from my mates and made my way to the edge of the ship. They all shouted at me to come back, but I chose not to listen. I just had to get a closer look of the beautiful being.

On closer look I could see the small details you didn't see before. Like how the roots of his hair were actually brown, or how there was a faint outline between his legs that proved that he was in fact a male. But most impressive, were the pair of dark wings coming out of his shoulder blades that the darkness of the cave was originally hiding.

The beautiful young male beckoned you over with a crook of his finger and a small smile on his lips while he still sang his hypnotic song. And that's all I needed.

Against my crews' yells, I stripped off my blouse and boots before jumping into the water below. I quickly resurfaced and ignored my crew as I swam over to the creature of my desires.

When I got about half way, he had stopped his singing and was slowly stood up. I stopped swimming and treaded the water as the creature got up and simply flew over to where I was. He lowered himself in water, no more than a foot in front of me. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my shoulders, slipping one hand into my hair.

He then pulled me into a kiss that literally took my breath away.


For those who were wondering, helmsman means someone who steers the ship and Sirenes Cupiditas is Latin for Sirens of Desires.

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