The Bucket List

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Prompt: Can you please do one where they go skinny dipping together? Merry Christmas :)

Warning: Cancer

Oh God, I know this isn’t really what you asked for. I’m so sorry about this. Once I get an idea in my head I have to write it or else I will go crazy. I do hope that you enjoy this anyway. Merry Christmas to you too! :)



There were still a few things I wanted to cross of my bucket list before I died. I bet you are wondering why a nineteen year old, One Direction star, Niall Horan, would have a bucket list. Well, I’m dying and time is not on my side.

About eight months ago, I found out that I had cancer. It was some rare form of cancer that I never bothered to learn the name to. There is no real way of beating this cancer, the medicine isn’t effective for it and there is a slim to none survival rate. And that was that. They gave me roughly about a year to live. The doctors said that I can prolong my life through chemotherapy and surgeries, but they wouldn’t fix me, it would just cause me more suffering.

I was depressed at first. Why me? I’m only eighteen, what have I done to deserve this? I fell into a depression for about a month. The only time I talked was when I was in rehearsals or I was on stage. At those times I could pretend that nothing was wrong with me. I didn’t tell the boys at first, I feared once I told them that I would have to accept that it was true. Of course Simon and my family both knew and kept urging me to tell them, but I refused to.

I woke up one morning and I just decided to suck it up. I’m dying and it would be a waste to only sit around and be depressed about it. I decided that day that I was going to live life to the fullest until my last breath. That was when I made my bucket list.

I also told the boys that day. It was extremely hard to find the right way to tell them. How do you tell your best mates that you’re dying? The way I told them was by making copies of my bucket list, taking off one of the things and keeping it on the original, and handed each boy a copy.

They were confused and kept asking me why I made a bucket list, that I am too young to have a bucket list. I gave them a sad smile and shook my head. I mumbled out that I had cancer and about eleven months to live.

Oh god, their reactions. That’s why it was so hard to tell them. Their reactions were devastating. Louis and Harry started laughing and Zayn got mad because they all thought I was joking. Not Liam though, he took one look in my eyes and he knew the truth. He had buried his face in my chest and started sobbing. The boys saw his reaction and saw that I wasn’t joking, I was crying along with Liam as we held on to each other. They soon started crying as well and we all somehow ended up in this big sobbing mess, all holding onto each other.

It felt like hours had went by before we all calmed down. It was then that I told them that I didn’t want them to be sad and I wanted to live my last year as happy as I could be. I asked each of them if they would help me complete everything on that bucket list and of course they all agreed.

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