The Beauty of Scars

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Can you do one where Niall is bullied by Liam and one day Niall is changing in the locker room and Liam sees and immediately apologizes because his sister struggles with the same thing and then he tells Niall why he bullied him and in the end the end up kissing and dating. And later on he makes Niall promise to never hurt himself again? Lol thanks

Warning: Mentions of self harm


There is this short blonde boy at school named Niall. I don’t like him, I’m not exactly sure why, but I don’t like him. I get this strange feeling every time I’m near him and I don’t like it, therefore I don’t like him.

I am not a mean person by nature. I’m actually quite nice to most people I meet. I just don’t like him, so I guess I’m not too nice to him. I don’t beat him or anything, I don’t care how much I don’t like him, I’m not going to do that. I just call the boy names every now and then; sometimes I even embarrass him just for the laughs. He’s in every single one of my classes, so I always find an opportunity to embarrass him.

I’ve slammed his book out of his hands. I’ve called him an idiot and called him out a lot in class. I’ve even gone as far as taking all his clothes out of gym class one day while he was still in the shower. And yet, he has never said anything back to me. He just carries on like I never did anything to him. I honestly got to admire him for that.

I actually feel bad most of the time when I do something to the boy. He has never actually done anything to me. He is just a quiet reserved guy who is waiting to get out of this hell hole just like the rest of us. I question myself on why I even mess with him then. Then I remember that strange feeling I get when I am around him and all previous thoughts go out the window.

Besides, even Liam Payne has a dark side.

Anyway, I was running late to my last class, gym. I was running late because my teacher was discussing my math grade with me and how I might need a tutor and blah blah blah. I didn’t really care.

I was about to round the corner into the locker room when I heard a noise. No one should still be in here. I don’t know why I did this but I plaster myself against the wall and slowly peered around the corner.

Niall was there, looking like he just got to the locker room to himself. He looked around the room nervously, as if making sure no one was in the room with him. I quickly hid away again before he could see me. After a minute or two, I peeked around the corner again and what I saw took my breath away.

He had his shirt off and he was just in his boxers. I have to admit that he looks pretty hot, but that is not what shocked me. He had big, long scars on both his stomach and his thighs. He had so many scars. Some looked old, but some looked quite new, like just yesterday new.

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