Tis the Season

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Niall and Liam argue a lot. Basically ever since the band was put together they have been arguing. Nobody can remember a time when those two weren't arguing, that's because one doesn't exist. All just kind of seemed hopeless at this point for the two boys, but hey, it’s Christmas and Christmas is the time when miracles happen.

Merry Christmas everyone! :)


Niall and Liam argue a lot, like a lot a lot. Basically ever since the band was put together they have been arguing. They can’t even be in the same room as the other without an argument coming up.

They do control their arguing though. They make sure they are civil to each other when on stage and in interviews and stuff like that. But as soon as they are behind closed doors again, they either storm away from each other or start yelling at each other.

It’s not that they hate each other; they just don’t particularly like each other. They either ignore each other or they yell at each other, there is no in between.

This situation annoys the shit out of the other boys. The band has been together for three years and they all thought that Liam and Niall would have gotten over this pettiness a long time ago. The boys have tried everything to get the two of them to get along with each other. When none of their plans worked, they kind of just gave up on the two guys.

All just kind of seemed hopeless at this point for the two boys, but hey, it’s Christmas and Christmas is the time when miracles happen.

There is only four more hours left until Christmas is over and the boys all decided to spend the remaining few hours hanging out in Harry’s apartment. They didn’t get to go home for the holidays because of some interviews and promotion stuff for their album that management had set up. They were all pretty bummed about it, but on the bright, Liam and Niall haven’t fought all day.

They were all sitting around the TV watching some movie that none of them were paying attention to. All the boys were pouting over not being able to see their families. This would be the first Christmas for most of them that they wouldn’t spend with their families.

Niall let out a huge sigh and that seemed to set Liam off. “That’s the seventh freaking sigh you let out in the past hour! We get, you miss your family! Well guess what, we all didn’t get to see our family this year, you don’t see us getting upset!”

“Actually Liam, I think we’re all-”

Niall cut Harry off before he could finish that statement. “What the fuck is your problem?! All I did was sigh and you know damn well that we’re all upset about not seeing our families!”

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