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Niall's always been seen as the dumb jock that doesn't have any problems. But no one knows about what he has to go through at home, not even his long time friend and crush Liam.

This was originally going to be the next chapter in my book How to Fool Everyone into Thinking You're Ok, but it didn't really go. But I love it so much that I turned it into a one shot. How to Fool Everyone into Thinking You're Ok will be updated sometime this week though!

Also, anybody who reads Learning to Accept, the character ask closes either tomorrow or Sunday. So, get those questions in!!!

Warning: prostitution and mentions of abuse


Dad wants me to do it Dad wants me to do it again. It's only been a few weeks since he last made me do this. He claims we need the money for food and rent and bills, which we do need, but I'm not stupid. We need money for all of that stuff, but he just cares about getting some money for his precious alcohol.

I haven't eaten since I spent the night at Liam's two or three days ago. The rent hasn't been paid in over two month and the landlord said that if we don't pay this month's rent then he will evict us. Dad doesn't care though, he just wants his damn alcohol.

He gave me a choice, do this or start breaking into stores and homes for money. the decision is surprisingly easy. This makes more money, sleeping with people always makes more money. Plus, sleeping around is easier to do then breaking into people's homes or their busisnesses. There is definitely a lesser chance of getting caught.

I always keep some of the money I make, but why shouldn't I? If I give all the money to my dad, the bills won't get paid and we be out on our arses by then end of the week. I need to keep some money because someone needs to pay the bills, plus I'm bloody starving.

There is a special place people like me go to find clients without as high of a risk as getting caught. It's a little run down park in the middle of town, centered in a even more run down part of town. We all hang out near the entrance of the park, just waiting for a car to come and pick one of us up.

We're a very organized group of prostitutes. We have a front guy that handles everything. I know that sounds like what a pimp would be, but it's surprisingly different. We're all here on our own free will and we don't answer to anyone. This guys just helps us all out, like going up to any cars or people that show up and ask the what they are looking for, whether its age, gender, size, price, and for guys, how feminine they are. Our guy also demands the money up front, so we don't get cheat out of money. In return for helping all of us out, he gets ten percent of everything we make.

This guys is a really nice, young guys. He's very, very good looking as well. He could be a model, I think he told me that that's actually what he wants to be sooner or later. He doesn't sleep with anyone, doesn't need to. He makes decent money helping us out, plus I think he has a day job as well. He's really good at this job as well, getting us clients quickly and effeciently, that's why we have no problem giving him part of our earning. He protects us and we help him out in return.

I have no clue what his name is, but he doesn't know mine either. No body goes by their actual names in the park, that would just be plain stupid. We all have code names and that's what we go by when we're looking for, or with, a client.

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