How Good I Had It, But Now It's Gone

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hi, can you, (please), make one where niall cheats on liam with other guy, liam notice and left him and after lose liam, niall realize that he really loved him? thank you


Have you ever heard of that one quote: You don’t know how good you got it until it’s gone? I didn’t believe in this until it happened to me. I lost the best thing in my life. Translation, I lost the best person in my life.

Liam James Payne has just caught me, naked I may add, in the arms of another and just walked out of my life, maybe forever.

The funny thing is though; I didn’t know I was in love with him. I didn’t realize my love for him until he walked out my door.

I thought it meant nothing, to him…or to me. I thought it was a game to both of us. I thought we were just the type of friends that go to each other when we needed a release, no feelings involved, at least on his part. I have always known I loved him though, I just thought he never felt the same way. But I guess I was wrong.

I needed him. I needed him like I needed air or water. I didn’t know how much I needed him until he left. I don’t know how I am going to survive without him; I don’t plan on finding out either. I am in love with Liam and I may have lost Liam, but I’ll promise you this, I will get him back.

I had kicked the boy with the curly hair, Harry I think his name is, as soon as Liam had left. I had thrown myself on the bed and burst into tears as soon as they both left. I cried for hours and it took me that long to realize why. Once I realized I loved him I had a plan.

I quickly jumped off my bed, threw on some clothes, and ran out the door. I ran and ran until I arrived at Liam’s door. I didn’t care if it was 2 in the morning; all I cared about was getting Liam back.

“Liam! Liam! Please open up!?!” I screamed and pounded on the door. When I said I had a plan, I meant running to his home and begging him to love me again. Great plan right?

I heard rustling on the other side of the door and it opened up just a little until I can see just his face. He looked worse for wear. His hair was everywhere and his eyes were red rimmed and swollen. He looked pale and he was shaking and I can literally feel the anger rolling of him. And yet, he’s never looked more beautiful.

Doesn’t mean he still wasn’t intimidating. I took a step back and started. “Please, Liam? Can we-”

The door slammed when I was in the middle of talking. I started screaming and pounding on the door again. “Liam! Please I just want to talk to you!”

“I d-don’t want to hear what you h-have to say.” I heard his choked voice that was muffled by the door between us.

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