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The song Jet Lag by Simple Plan suddenly blared out in the otherwise quiet room. I didn’t know whether to flush red with embarrassment because that was my phone that was going off or to burst into tears because I know who’s calling.

I’m amongst my peers so I did the former.

Mrs. Winter’s raised an eyebrow at me. “Is there a reason your phone is on and why it is still going off, Mr. Horan?”

If it is possible, I flushed even more. “I’m sorry Mrs. Winters, but it’s really important. C-can I please go answer it? It’s Liam.” I gave her my best puppy dog look in hopes that she would let me go answer the call.

She sighed. “Very well, Mr. Horan, five minutes and not a minute more.”

I shot out of my seat and was out the door within less than a minute, calling out a thank you on my way out the door. I pressed the answer button with only a few seconds before the call ended. “Liam, babe, it’s so great to hear from you.”

“Hey princess, you’re supposed to be in class right?” Liam’s beautiful voice comes through the speaker.

I ignored the princess comment because, oh my God, Liam is actually calling. “Yeah, the teacher let me have about five minutes to come out and talk to you.”

He chuckled. “You’re in Mrs. Winter’s class aren’t you?”

“Yeah, God, I miss you. It’s great hearing your voice.” My voice broke mid-sentence.

“Hey, princess, don’t cry. If you start crying, I’ll start crying. I have to go now, but I called to tell you that I find to when I come home today and I’ll Skype you at seven you time tonight to tell you when it will be. By princess, I love you so much.” Liam spoke quickly and quietly.

“Bye L-Liam, I l-love you t-too.” I stuttered out through my tears, which grew into sobs as soon as I hear the click of the other line.

It’s been almost six months since I last physically saw, touched, or kissed my Liam. Liam and I had met in my freshman year. Me being the klutz I am, I tripped into the cool and popular and extremely hot junior, Liam Payne. And that’s basically how it all started. Two months later we became the power couple of the school and remained the power couple until he graduated two years later. On his eighteenth birthday he enlisted into the army and a little over a month later, he was shipped overseas. We did talk about taking a break while he was away, but neither of us wanted that.

I took a lot longer then the five minutes I was given. I maybe took closer to fifteen or twenty minutes before I felt calm enough to go back into the classroom. As soon as I opened the door, every head shot my way, causing me to, once again, flush with embarrassment.

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