Chapter One

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"it'll get better," Lynx whispered to Malia, the newest orphan.

"It's going to be okay," he said hoping his words sounded believable. The reality is, that it's a tough life as an orphan in the Zarkov Coven.

It's hard enough losing your parents, but then for your whole life to change so entirely. To become the property of the Zarkov coven was heartbreaking.

"I've heard there are so many chores though," said Malia.

"You're right," said Lynx. "But there's food and a safe place to sleep."

"But I've seen the rooms," said Malia.
"They're tiny, and shared with two others."

Lynx laughed. It was true. "Okay, it sucks. Does that make you feel better?"

Malia pulled her legs to her chest where they sat in the cold stone servants' passageway. "Not really," she said after a pause.

"It's easier to look at the positives," said Lynx." I know it probably doesn't seem like there are any, but it is a place to sleep that's safe and warm. And there is enough food to go around."

Malia sniffed. Lynx remembered what it felt like. It was 12 years ago now when his parents fought to the death defending the coven from the wolves. He barely remembered life before it happend. Life when... He was free.

It's hard enough losing one's parents. But then to have to move, and do Coven chores... It's like your whole life is ripped away. For most orphans, it's a temporary situation. By the time they turn 15, they gain their magic and a special ability with it. Many gain it when they're younger. And once they gain their magic they're able to take different jobs in the coven. They are treated as adults then.

But it didn't happen like that for Lynx. He'd turn 17 in two months and he'd lost hope that he'd gain magic or an ability at all. He'd never heard of anyone gaining their magic past the age of 15. He was only 5 when his parents died, could he be sure that his parents were even witches?

"We shouldn't have to work as servants," said Malia.

"I know it's not right Malia, but that's just how it is right now," said Lynx. "But there's nowhere else for us to go."

Malia sniffed again and wiped her eyes.     "I miss my mom," said Malia.

"I miss mine too," said Lynx. "There's not a day that goes by that I don't. But we have to remember we're not alone. 17 other witches are orphaned. And we're a family. And you're part of that family now. And no matter what happens we'll still be a family."

Lynx extended his hand to the young girl sitting before him. Malia looked at Lynx with a small nod before taking his hand and hugging him.

"Ok," said Malia. "I'll do my best."

"That's all that anyone can ask of you," said Lynx, leading the way to the hidden passageway that would take them to the kitchens where piles of plates needed washing.

Lynx was tasked with retrieving the dishes after dinner. It's the worse chore. Much worse then cleaning the beds... Which is worse even from toilet duty.

It's worse because he has to be there with them. The rest of the coven. All those witches who are so fixated on magic and skill, showing off their abilities to others around the table. Their demeaning stares made him feel worthless and angry. He didn't feel valued here. Here where he is little more than a servant. It doesn't help that hes of age but for some reason doesn't have magic. It makes him an easy target. A convenient scapegoat. Someone whom they can put down so they feel better about themselves.

The hardest part is to just keep working. he spent years holding his tongue and clenching his fists and couldn't help but wonder how many more he could handle.

'one more plate... just one more plate now," he said silently in my head. just one more..

"Has he gone deaf now also," said Jacob. he's the type of guy that wears too much jewellery and not enough clothing. he's the kind of guy who seems to think he'll impress The High Priestess by insulting the low-ranking members, and showboating his magic and muscle's.

Lynx caught a glance with The High Priestess, who was indeed standing close by. She had silver hair that went to her elbows, she was a beautiful lady and She was a good Coven leader despite the unfortunate rankings and systems of the coven. But those aren't things She can change overnight.

'One more plate now Lynx. Just one more.. he thought to himself.

he wasn't sure if Jacob said anything more. Engaged in his work, Lynx wouldn't have heard him if he did. Lynx didn't want to cause trouble. Certainly not tonight after such a long day of work.

Right now, he just needed to clear the remaining plates and silverware, and then he could go back to his room. Once there, he could curl up in his safe space then workout. he could allow his stress to disappear and be left with the peace of the cool night air.

Surely, that's not too much to ask for....

And yet.. apparently it was.

"Listen dickhead," said Jacob who, moments later, grabbed Lynx's shoulder,
"I was talking to you." His hands glowed red.

"Did you need something, Jacob?" Lynx said, feeling tired and annoyed. "I'm trying to do my work."

But it was the wrong thing to say.

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