Chapter Three

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The High Priestesses office is a round space nearly three times my room's size. It was furnished with brown leathered chairs and a massive ebony desk, with objects floating around the room. The space was made to feel warm with deep red walls.

And yet, it doesn't feel warm to me. It feels lavish and foreign.

"Thank you, Miguel," said the Priestess, which was a dismissal, because, in what seemed like a second later, Miguel was out the door.

The phone rang a moment later. She glanced at me before, perhaps reluctantly, answering.

I looked at the door Miguel left through; And was tempted to follow him. It's strange because I've always been such a rule follower.

'It'd only get me into worse trouble I suspect,' I thought to myself.

'Not if they're planning to burn you at the stake,' said a quiet voice in my head.

I suppressed a laugh. It was true really.

"I am abiding by the new law," said the Priestess to whomever She was talking to.

The voice on the other end of the call was too quiet for me to pick up.

"I know," said the Priestess, sounding a bit exasperated. "Just three more days and it'll be sorted."

"Great, thank you," she said, ending the call.

There was a moment of her shuffling papers. I stood away a bit with my back to her examining her water dispenser. The bottom of the jug was filled with fruit. Two bubbles lazily floated towards the top.

"Lynx," said the Priestess. "It is Lynx right?"

"Hello ma'am," I said before sitting opposite her at the desk.

"I'm very busy, so I'm just going to get to the point," she said briskly. "You've been offered a scholarship to attend Bridgington Academy this year. You will be leaving tomorrow. Your things have been relocated to a guest room in the center wing of the Fifth. You have today off to pack, rest, and prepare for your trip."

She paused for a moment as if expecting me to object or interrupt with something, but this was all so sudden and unexpected that I couldn't seem to process it.

"With this new assignment, you're no longer an orphan rank," she continued. "As such you're expected to take your meals with the rest of the coven. Have you got any questions?"

'Any questions? besides what the f*ck?' 1 thought silently.

"Um," I said instead. But I couldn't seem to figure out what else to say beyond that.

"I know it's a lot to take im," she said, "It was all very last minute. It couldn't be avoided."

"Is this because I punched Jacob?" I said, but the Priestess just laughed.

"No! Of course not," she said.

"Then why?" I said. "Why now?"

"You're over the age of 15," said the Priestess, taking a sip from her cup of fruit water on her desk. The whole thing seemed surreal. "It's required that any child from a strong bloodline of witches or werewolves or even Mundanes ( non witches or werewolves ), that's 15 years of age or older attend the school, in hopes of them learning about the supernatural side of the world, even non werewolves and witches can attend as long as they have an exception from the council of S,P,A (Supernatural Association)."

"But 1 was 15 two years ago," I said.

"Yes, it's been brought to my attention quite recently actually. The details for this kind of thing can often get overlooked you see."

"And Jacob? He's going too then? I mean he'll be 16 in fall," I said.

"he's been assigned here actually," she said. "It's all very complicated. You ought to be relieved He isn't going."

"But it's you that assign these-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Look Lynx, I try to be nice. I feel for you. Unfortunately, this had to happen so suddenly. But it's done now. You leave tomorrow. And questioning the assignment,
or why it was given isn't going to change the reality that you need to go pack, and I need to get back to work."

I recognized it as a dismissal, but I felt reluctant to leave.

"Thank you for your understanding," said the Priestess. "And congratulations on your new rank."

I looked at her for a moment before slowly turning away. I caught sight of the water dispenser and methodically turned towards it.

There was an alluring 'shish' sound as I took a cup from the stack. The water flowed happily into the cup. I could smell the strawberries and oranges. There was a 'glug glug' as several more bubbles swam to the top of the water tank.

I almost laughed. I could practically feel the Priestesses stare burning into my back as I finally turned to the door.

"Thank you Priestess," I said and took a leisurely sip of my water before opening the door.

"Goodbye, Lynx."

I can't be sure what's gotten into me. But I must say it is amusing. I supposed after so many years of abuse and not having control of my own life I've finally snapped.

"About time too."

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