Chapter Eight

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A/N Switch to 3rd person. I hope it's not annoying.

Lynx was given a folder with papers. Hee hadn't had a chance to look through them thoroughly yet, but at a glance, one seemed to be a class schedule. They decided to go to the Red meeting room where the welcome lady said dinner would be tonight.

Looking through the folder, Lynx found a map. "I think it's this way," Lynx said after a moment.

"I don't think so," said Landon, looking in the other direction.

The building was massive. There was a modern castle kind of feel about it. The inside was beautifully designed with ornate arched passageways and oversized picture windows that looked out over a snowy hillside. There seemed to be a forest to the south, and the view from the window gave the impression of being at a high elevation.

"Oh, you're right," Lynx said, turning to follow Landon, who was a few feet ahead of Lynx in the stone passageway; Rotating his map as he went. "Yeah, see it looks like there's a lake or something here, and I can't see any water from this window."

It was five minutes later when they found the right room. The space was magnificent. Red strips of lavish, silky fabric hung down the stone walls making the two-story ceilings seem impossibly tall.

Lynx stood rather gobsmacked by the sheer size of the room until Landon pulled his forward towards the food tables.

The smell of the food was tantalizing as they approached. Roasted chicken, spaghetti, sandwiches, burgers, steak, and every appetizer imaginable. Nachos, potato skins, chips, and onion rings...

Lynx added a bit of everything to his plate. After over ten years of flavorless porridge and such simple food, this unexpected new reality felt like a dream. And, as he found out a few minutes later, it somehow tasted even better than a dream.

The rounded tables were set for ten people. One guy was sitting on the side opposite them. Many students were still arriving. Some chose to visit their dorms first to drop off their things and freshen up after the long day of travel.

Lynx was glad they were one of the first to come. he wasn't very comfortable eating in front of a lot of people yet. Particularly strangers and in a strange place. he planned to eat quickly and then lock himself in her new living space and work out. he wondered if he'd have any roommates...

Landon didn't seem to have the same sense of urgency, however. he kept pausing to admire the room, and watch the other students.

"Holy, those two are definitely going to end up together," Landon said pointing to a guy and girl talking two tables away. The couple's conversation ended abruptly a few moments later when the girl slapped the guy. The noise seemed to echo around the room for a sedated minute before the melody of other conversations, accented with occasional laughter, resumed.

"Oh yeah," Lynx said in a joking way, "She certainly seems affectionate." He laughed before taking a sip of apple cider.

"I guess she's playing hard to get," said Landon, attempting to save face, but laughing instead.

The rest of the meal was pleasant. Lynx was glad Landon picked up his pace, particularly when others started taking seats at their table. Or more specifically a group of guy Shifters in tailored, black clothing.

Landon was glad they didn't pay him much attention. One was eyeing up Lynx though.

"Time to head to the dorms?" Landon asked Lynx, pleading with his eyes for Lynx to say yes, which he did, fairly readily. Seems lynx was a bit intimidated by the guys also.

They were almost to the door when they felt an intimidating presence. Lynx couldn't help but glance back to see the source as they made it to the door.

It seemed to be a guy in loose dark clothing that swayed elegantly with every step he took. Lynx knew that he was the source because the students around him seemed to back away instinctively as if there was some kind of invisible bubble that surrounded him. His hair was dark and hung nearly to his shoulders. Lynx couldn't see any other features from where he stood.

"Do you think he's a shifter or witch?" said Landon in a hushed voice.

In answer, Lynx slipped out the door, pulling Landon behind him.

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