Chapter Twenty

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The morning had only started to become light when Lynx woke in his wolf form. He felt rested and alert. Far below at the base of the tree, Ace's tawny wolf was still asleep.

Lynx thought for a while about what to do. The memories from last night came back so suddenly. Balanced and standing on his tree branch he stretched his legs. He wondered if he should wake Ace and...and what? He imagined himself shifting back to his human form and standing awkward-like and saying something like "Ah, Hi Ace... um sorry, you had to sleep outside on the ground..."

And yet, he didn't really. Now Lynx thought about it... he didn't know why Ace had come. And now... now what he desired most was to go back inside and find a private practice room to shift back in.

It felt wrong to leave Ace... and yet, the other option wasn't appealing. He'd talk to Ace at some point... just not right now.

He thought he needed to find out what he is first, and what his magical ability is.

He thought about saying something about not being sure if he'd shift back naked.. but he knew it was an excuse. His school uniform wasn't anywhere to be seen after he shifted, so it seemed safe to assume that it was shifting material. It made sense anyway in a school of shifters and witches.

Maybe another excuse would become apparent by the time he had to talk to Ace...

With that, he leaped down from his tree
with silent grace. The small wolf stirred slightly but didn't wake. And Lynx took that as his opportunity to leap away towards the mouth of the forest.

He'd talk to Ace later.

The courtyard was blissfully quiet. Then again it was probably before 6 am.

It was strange walking towards the castle doors in his Hyrbid form. His shoulders seemed to roll in a lazy, yet intimidating way. He felt mindful of every step. 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 4. The doors slid open as he approached.

If another student came across him, they'd probably turn and run the other way. But the path to her favorite study room was blissfully clear of anyone. A wolf walking along the stone corridor of the beautiful building seemed like an odd image, but in reality, it seemed somehow fitting.

He worried about when he reached the study room because he wasn't sure how he'd manage to open the door... but it turned out to be a simple task. Jumping to stand slightly on his hind legs, the handle turned easily under the weight of one of his massive paws.

Once inside he leaned against the back of the door, pushing it closed. He wouldn't be able to lock it in this form.. and yet.. no one would be coming here at 6 in the morning. He felt a degree of safety. He was grateful he could attempt to shift back away from prying eyes.

He wasn't entirely sure how to shift back, but he needn't have worried. The change came easily and smoothly. There was no pain. Her school uniform returned to his human form.

It was a strange thing to be back in his human form. So strange in fact that he found himself locking the door to the study room, and turning off the light so it would appear unoccupied from the tiny window that faced the corridor outside.

He liked this room because of the comfortable foam rug and bean-filled chairs. He liked the relaxing texture of the wooden siding on the walls. But today he just sat in the furthest corner of the rug and hugged his knees to his chest.

He thought about so many things. He thought about his old coven and old friends. He thought about how he felt like a different person. Perhaps more stubborn, and rebellious, but more powerful also.

He was confused! After all these years... He thought he was a witch or at least a human. But he was wrong not only is he a witch but a werewolf too. It felt so surreal.

He thought about how wonderful it felt to be in his second form.

He wondered how much more work was to
come now that he had shifted. How hard would it be to control the new form.. the new power and new magic that comes with this new form?

He thought about trying to shift back again now.. as if to practice.. but he felt too tired to try, though now he could feel his magic and his ability inside himself.

Lynx heard whispers around the room saying the same thing over and over until it stopped, the room was filled with a cold silence until he understood what they said.

The voices had told him what his magical ability is... the elders at the Zarkov coven used to tell stories about the spirits whispering what their magical abilities were when they gained them, though they only did that to rare abilities.
'magic steal' he had the ability to steal other witches magical abilities and possibly their magic too. This was a very rare ability to have amongst witches and the last witch to have it was the first hybrid that had existed about a century ago.

It took some time to get reaccustomed to the school schedule again. Today is Wednesday,' he reminded himself. He'd have Abilities Class, and then Energy Control after lunch...

He wondered what his teachers and Ace might say. Would he be in trouble for missing class? Would Ace be mad that he ditched him this morning? And how would he tell Landon about him being the prophesised Hybrid or him having an ability to take others abilities?

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