Chapter Six

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The day I transfer to bridgington academy has finally arrived and I'm feeling nervous as ever.

The other guys were dressed in dark grey and black clothing too. I understood then. I couldn't be the only servant working there.

Opposite the guys in attendance, the girl's there all seemed to be in white and brown clothing. I thought about what Dom said last night, about this school being elite. It seems like it was.

Well, for the males at least.

"Honestly it's just plain stupid," said a girl with short black hair as i climbed into a black, oversized SUV.

"Misogynistic," said a guy laughing with a kind sharp face and big smile, who was sitting opposite the first girl.

"The school is?" I asked, buckling my seatbelt and getting situated for the trip that would take us to the train station that's on the border of Zarkovs Coven land. I could see the shadow of four other cars beginning to move forward before our car lurched into motion.

"It's not all bad," said a new guy.

"Easy for you to say," said the first girl. "You get to wear dark clothing, while us girls have to wear white."

"What does that have to do with anything," I asked.

A couple of the girls looked at me. But it was an uncomfortable moment before a girl with a round face said, "Bridgington Academy...

haven't you heard the rumors?

"Nicknamed the school for rejects," said the dark-haired girl. "It's where they send werewolves and witches who haven't shifted at the age of 17, or who didn't get their magic when they turned 15. And we have no say in it. It's disgusting."

"We have a say in it! That's what it is to be equal," said the sharp- faced guy, whose name I gathered was Landon. "Besides, you can only get your magic within time. So just wait I guess."

"Werewolves trying to shift by forcing it, and witches trying to make deals with the elders for their magic to come sooner," said the first girl.

"Ok," Landon said, seeming determined. "Just go hide in a bathroom or something if this all bothers you."

"Yeah and starve to death?"

"We don't even know if the rumor is true," said another guy who had been quiet up to that point.

"I've heard that werewolves can't leave until they've shifted for the first time. And witches can't leave until they can cast magic. and Even if you survived for a year in the bathroom, you'd just be stuck there for another year, and another year after that."

"I don't think that's true."

"Didn't you wonder why all the werewolves were low-ranking?" the dark-haired girl said to me.

"i"  I started to say, but the idea that werewolves were low ranking confused me, how can a beast that dangerous be low ranking.

'Speak for yourself Rachel," said a new girl with sharp features.

Landon, the sharp-faced guy sitting next to me leaned in to whisper. "Don't mind Kelly. She thinks she's too good and too high a rank of the wolfs to have been assigned to go to Bridgington."

"But what does it matter that they're low rank?" I said to Rachel.

"Well, it's obvious isn't it?"

I felt a sickening chill of unease for a moment, but then a girl spoke up. "When witches get their magic they also get an ability, it could be anything from controlling elements to shapeshifting. And these abilities are ranked from dangerous to safe, and those with a dangerous ability are higher in the ranks, and those with a non dangerous ability stay in the low ranks unless they impress the coven leaders."

"and werewolves only have strength speed and can't even control their shifting that's why they're low ranking and witches are higher ranking." Said Racheal

"The Magicless tho... well really we've all just been kicked out of our covens. They wouldn't send high rankings to this academy."

I felt.. sad then. I wasn't even sure why. Was all this true?

Sure, I had been miserable living at the Zarkov Coven. And yet.. it had been my home. I watched out the back window as the coven buildings became smaller and smaller in the distance.

What about the other orphans? Is this the fate that would await some of them also?

I thought about the vow I'd made last night. About returning at some point. Doing what I can to help them... and now... would I even be able to help myself in this new situation?

Did I even want my magic?

"Usually, high-ranking shifters are matched together with high ranking witches,"  "and that's only because they want us to feel safe with their kind, and not discriminate."

The train was sleek, and a shiny black like a sports car. Joined by the newly assigned students from the neighboring packs and covens; We stood in lines and waited to board.

"It might be ok," said Landon, standing beside me. "They're just rumors you know."

I nodded but still felt uneasy.

I eyed the edge of the nearby forest and toyed with the idea of slipping away undetected. A human boy running away. As if the shifters and witches guarding the drop-off wouldn't notice. As if they wouldn't find someone like me in the blink of an eye with their superior senses.

Besides, I wouldn't be able to help my orphan family if I ran. Granted.. it doesn't seem likely that I'll be able to either way.

"They didn't tell you the good rumors," said Landon, as they approached the front of the boarding queue.

"I'm listening," I said, feeling a fondness for Landon. "Is the food amazing?"

Landon laughed. "I'm not sure about the food. But if we do gain our  magic and abilities then it'll get easier here and well... the only thing we have to worry about is not gaining them."

"Ah, Mister Landon Ronda," I said, "I can see it now."

"Well maybe," said Landon. "But I haven't even told you about the magic they'll teach us if we do gain it. I think things are going to be changed with the packs and covens. It has to be true, don't you think?"

"What?" I asked, "what's going to change?"

"Apparently the witches and werewolves are gonna set an alliance with the humans. I'm not so convinced about the prophecy though."

"The what!?" I asked, curious. But we'd finally made it to the front of the queue. A strict and emotionless man stood just inside the train door.

I reached my hand out to scan my card as I'd seen the others ahead in the queue do.

There was a pause for a moment as his machine seemed to load information. The pause was long enough for me to imagine the machine rejecting my entrance onto the train. What would I do then? Drive back alone in one of the cars... I wonder if I'd be punished for something like that. I laughed a bit at the image of the priestess in my mind. I hate because she can't seem to get rid of me.

The man guarding the train entrance regarded me for a moment before the machine blipped, and the obstacle blocking the path was lifted.

It was a few minutes later when Landon walked through also. I was more nervous than the other as we walked to find seats.

I don't know what this school will be like. But I'm glad I won't be alone.

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