Chapter Ten

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The room was very similar to what Lynx saw of Landon's. There were two beds, but Lynx's roommate didn't seem to have arrived yet. The room was large for just two people. The metallic silver finishes on the crown molding, furniture, and door gave the room a sense of modest luxury.

There was also a private bathroom in the room. It was small but nice and functional. He couldn't help but smile thinking about how he wouldn't have to be sharing a bathroom with so many others like he had at Zarkov Coven.

The relief and surprise left Lynx short of breath. He'd be so sure he was being sent here to do kitchen work or chores. And now... now he felt a thrill, but fear as well. What would he be doing here?

His new bed gave a soft 'cush' sound as he sat down. Feeling the stress from the day go away, he opened the folder that had been given to him.

Under the code of conduct, and the map there was another map.

"Wonder what that's for?" said Lynx.

Landon climbed onto the bed next to him, opening his folder also. "Hm," he said in thought, rotating it a bit. "There must be another level of the school"

Lynx hadn't considered this. From what they'd seen the building was massive. He hadn't considered there'd be another level. He thought about the courtyard they passed on their way here, but there was no second story above this one. That meant...

"I think it's the floor under us," said Lynx.

"Yeah look here!" said Lynx pointing to the central square on this new level that aligned with the level above. "It says classrooms are on that level. And a library."

"Yeah," said Landon, picking up the next sheet in hks folder, "And there's another floor under that."

Lynx was astounded. "This place is huge', he thought to say but was distracted by the last paper in his folder.

"Class schedule," said Lynx, finding his as well.

Lynx read through the classes excited to see what they'd be learning.

"Oh look!" said Landon, "We have Life Principles, and General magic together."

"I wonder what those are like," said Lynx. "What other classes do you have?"

"Business practices and Negotiation," said Landon, with a face that suggested he didn't think he'd be very good at those subjects.

"Oh! But look," he said leaning closer to Lynx's schedule and pointing. "You got into the abilities class?! I've heard that's crazy hard."

Lynx's face paled. He wasn't sure what to think. How will he manage a class like that when he isn't even able to use magic?

"Oh! And look!" said Landon, clearly more excited about Lynx's class list than his own. "You've got Energy Control and Fighting Defense also! That's incredible."

"I think they made a mistake," said Lynx, wringing anxious hands. "They probably gave me someone else's schedule.

"They can't have," said Landon. "Look, it has your name on it."

"I-," said Lynx, wondering how much he should tell Landon. "But I can't take those classes."

"Why not?" said Landon.

"Well, L... I can't use magic."

The next morning came several hours too early for Lynx's liking. He had a hard time
sleeping because of the new space, and because of thoughts about what he would do about his class schedule. He wondered if he still might be delegated to servant work after all.

His first class, Energy Control, wouldn't start until 9 am, and it was only 7:30. He did see his roommate, but only briefly last night. And it was so late by then that they'd only had enough time for him to introduce himself as Jessie. He'd left before Lynx even got up.

The new clothing was hung neatly in the closet space. It was black and comfortable. It was a bit plain, but Lynx didn't mind it, he couldn't help but feel a bit unnerved by the organization of this school. Everything is in order, everything is assigned...

Yet, there was nothing he could make of it, or do about it, so he pushed it from his mind as he headed to the dining hall to see if breakfast was available. He only got lost three times!

The food smelled amazing, but he only took a blueberry muffin because his nerves regarding the day to come seemed to stifle his appetite.

It felt strange to be seated alone, but Landon didn't answer when he knocked on his door on the way. He thought he might be here, but after looking around he wasn't to be found, so Lynx took an out-of-the-way seat in a far corner. He was grateful for the new uniform. With almost everyone dressed the same it was much easier to blend in.

He wouldn't have any classes with Landon today. And as the dining hall started to clear as people headed off to their first classes, Lynx decided he'd better head out too. He hoped he'd see Landon at lunch.

But before that time came, he'd have to face the unknown of Energy Control.

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