Chapter Twenty Six

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"They were overreacting," said Landon a few days later walking across the grass area in the courtyard with Lynx and Mason.

"I just don't understand why they didn't make such a big fuss when Erin punched me at the start of term," said Lynx.

"Maybe because it wasn't in front of so many people," said Landon, sounding a bit uncomfortable.

"It seems like they don't care if Erin does what he wants, maybe they're allowing it to see what makes Lynx angry," said Mason.

"Yeah maybe the school already knows what you are, though Be glad that nothing came of it," said Landon. "Even that class you missed."

"They might be scared of pissing him off, I don't think they want to make an enemy of a Hyrbid yet and after how he finished that fight with Erin with one punch," said Mason laughing. "Serves Erin right really."

Entering the inside corridor, Landon turned to take the path that would take him to his life studies class.

"We still meeting up later for magic stuff?" Lynx said as he turned to leave.

"You know it!" said Landon.

"Can I come also?" said Mason. "I could help you with your shifting to."

"Of course, we'd be happy to have you," said Lynx just as Landon said, "I'm not so sure if that's advisable actually,"

"What?" said Lynx looking at Landon.

"Well, I think you should focus on magic for now," said Landon. "I just don't want you to lose control of your magical Ability and steal other people's abilities."

"Don't be ridiculous," said Lynx, wondering if he knew Landon at all. He hated to see others left out. Particularly after his childhood life as a servant. "It's just a study group. It would help to learn both magic and shifting so I learn them faster."

"I.." said Landon. "Um. Sure, we'd love to have you."

"We'll see you at 6!" said Lynx. He'd been having such a hard time progressing with his werewolf abilities. He looked forward to Mason being there. Maybe he could give him some insight.

"See you then!" said Mason with a warm cute smile.

"Yeah, I managed it," said Lynx, "But it's like i told you. It was triggered by adrenaline.. not meditation or whatever else. And I think I almost took someone's magical ability."

"Yeah, but you have to learn the right way to use your magical ability or you'll end up stealing other people's magical abilities, this goes for your werewolf abilities too you can't rely on adrenaline to use them whenever you want." said Landon later that evening. They'd found a new room to practice in. The biggest study room they'd found yet. The floor was covered in an elegant ivory-colored rug that made the big space seem warmer. The walls were painted dark red. There wasn't much light from the windows this late into the evening, but an intricate chandelier provided bright light, and rather reminded Lynx of Christmas, even though it was still midsummer.

"Why?" said Lynx. As far as he was concerned if he'd be able to access his werewolf abilities and magical abilities when he most needed them then.. that seemed good enough to him.

"Because," said Landon sounding exasperated. "That's the only way you can gain control over them."

"But if they're there when I need them-"

But Lynx broke off when the door creaked open, and Mason's head appeared behind it.

"Mason!" said Lynx, "You made it!"

"Time for us to practice our mega-awesome werewolf and  magical stuff!" said Mason, sounding rather excited.

"You need control so that you don't accidentally hurt someone and in case you develop any more abilities," said Landon, in an undertone.

"Like that's likely," said Lynx. "What other abilities can a Hyrbid hope to possess?"

"Other abilities?" said Mason coming closer to where they stood and picking up on the conversation. "You mean besides shifting and using magic?"

"Besides the enhanced senses and stealing other people's magical abilities," said Lynx. "Landon has been trying to teach me, but it hasn't been coming naturally."

"Oh," said Mason, looking a bit perplexed. "But that's not a normal werewolf and witch ability."

"Isn't it?" said Lynx, looking at Landon. After all, it was Landon who said it was commonplace.

"Come on, we'd better focus on the task at hand. Let's start with the meditating route again. Mason, you can meditate and focus on your magic. That can be an easier method I think, though this is used for shifting so I'm not sure"

The study time went smoothly after that. Lynx still wasn't able to use his enhanced senses on command though he could now feel his magical ability present and possibly control it after enough practise.. but he was relaxed after meditating for so long.

Two things seemed to needle at him a bit though... What had Mason meant when he said that those abilities weren't common to shifters, and why did it feel like he was being watched. it felt like he was being followed on a daily basis now though he wasnt able to catch anyone.

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