Chapter Nineteen

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Lynx's mind was...different as a Hyrbid wolf. Quiet. There were only the most basic things. Run, or fight. The smell of too many strangers around.

The smell of the trees too Cool and fresh. They seemed close now as compared to before his world changed forever.

The others were too close. It was too noisy. He hissed instinctively, and the others backed away, but not enough. A slight gap was created in the group of onlookers almost big enough for him to slip through, and he leaped towards the opening.

The sensation was unbelievable. The speed and power carried him further than he would have thought. The people closest scattered like ants doused with a bucket of water.

He landed on his front legs, and his body seemed to bend in such a natural way, absorbing the impact before gracefully shifting weight to his hind legs. It wasn't like walking as a human.

His back legs pushed off from the ground and he flew forward again.

He caught sight of the group he'd just escaped from in the corner of his eye. Someone had transformed into a wolf as if to come after him.

"Just let him be for now Micheal," said one of the older female doctors. The other students stood gossiping. They didn't even seem to notice the second bell had rung.

"Yeah, Lynx I think," a student said several feet away talking to another student as if in answer to something.

'what am i.'

'Lynx.' the name seemed so familiar. 'Lynx...' his subconscious seemed to call out to him.

And yet, at this moment...he wasn't Lynx. He just was. He was alive. And he was powerful and free.

The warmth of the sunlight that soaked into his white fur was replaced with the cool darkness and solace of the forest.

He could feel the blood and adrenaline pulsing through his body. He could hear the pounding of his heart in his ears as the stimulation of his run started to dissipate. The sounds of the grassy clearing were replaced with soft sounds of animals, and the whisper of leaves in the slight breeze.

Lynx felt a sense that everything was how it was meant to be. In the quiet shelter of the oak trees, his mind started to come back to him. It was then he felt a strange power course through himself, like he was gaining his magic and abilities.

It was surreal. He looked through his legs to see his white tail. He flicked it, as if in annoyance or contemplation. It was utterly bizarre. To think the thought to move it, and to have this new body.. this beautiful creature carry out the action.

He saw a thick horizontal branch up ahead,
and he leaped onto it with perfect balance.

He lay down and breathed deeply as his heartbeat began to slow again. Time seemed to stand still as the bright spring afternoon turned into evening.

'Guess I missed General Agility, Lynx thought to himself... but it didn't seem important. It seemed far away now.

He knew it was close to dinner time, but he hadn't eaten outside of the lunch hour for weeks now, and the thought of going now seemed repulsive. He didn't want other students to gawk and gossip about him. Not when he could just stay in the safety of his trees.

He wasn't hungry at all anyway. It was a while before he remembered that you can't eat in animal form. He wondered if that's why he didn't feel hungry.

The rich lavender sunset had nearly turned to black before a new sound approached.

The crisp sounds of leaves as an animal stepped over them moving in a slow, methodical way.

He could hear it getting closer, but he made no effort to move out of its way. Let it come. And if it does cause me trouble, I have the advantage from this height and with the sharpness of my teeth and claws.

But the approaching animal only turned out to be a small tawny wolf. 'Ace, Lynx seemed to know instinctively.

Lynx wasn't sure what to do then. His actions seemed reasonable at the time, but he wondered if he should be embarrassed about running away earlier. And yet... He couldn't seem to find the will to care. And now... now what was there to do but to sit on his perch of safety and breathe in the feeling of being alive?

Ace watched him for long moments. As if not sure if Lynx would attack. But when it seemed clear that Lynx wouldn't, Ace gave an oddly mournful howl to the glass-domed ceiling. It was answered by another howl seeming a long distance away.

Seeming satisfied, Ace started circling and digging a bit at the dirt at the base of a large oak tree. Curling into a ball, and nestled between the exposed roots of the tree, Ace drifted into sleep.

It wasn't until the sky had turned black, and the forest sounds had settled into the rhythmic symphony of night, that Lynx found himself drifting off as well.

I am the hybrid, is this why Mr.Dark want me to read that book.

There would surely be hell to pay tomorrow. Explanations to make, and rumors to avoid.. classes to attend... but for tonight at least, it was cool, dark, and peaceful.

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