Chapter Fifteen

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The dining hall was already crowded for lunch by the time Lynx arrived. He could see Landon and Mason sitting at one of the more central tables as he went towards the tray and dishware. But before he got more than two steps toward it, a voice stopped him.

"I have to give this to you," said a deep voice. And sensing the power, he knew who it would be.

He turned to see Ace standing back a bit. It was a moment's pause before he held out an envelope. He hesitated to break eye contact to take the message. It wasn't for dominance reasons but instead... defense. He couldn't be sure if he'd attack or something if he looked away. And yet... there was no reason for him to be attacking him. Particularly not in the middle of the crowded eating area.

He glanced at the note in his hand before his eyes jumped back to his face. He thought about why he wants to give an envelope to him. Maybe it was an invitation to something. Though it seemed like he was forced to give it to him.

His eyes seemed to soften before he adjusted his gaze and took the note from him.

"Thanks?" he said, but it sounded like a question.

"Don't trust anyone," he said, turning towards the buffet.

Lynx tucked the message away not wanting to read it here where there were so many other students, what does he mean 'dont tell anyone'.

It was a few minutes later when he joined his friends with his food in hand. He tried to blend in best he could, and act as if what just happened was not weird. But that didn't stop a few students from looking at him with intrigue as he passed.

"What was that about!" said Landon the moment Lynx sat down.

"I'm not too sure" said Lynx. "He handed me an envelope then left." He thought about telling them what he said about 'not trusting anyone', though maybe it's for the best he doesn't for now not until he knows what he means.

"You know the Lycan?" said Mason leaning in and talking in a whisper.

"Well... no," said Lynx. It was true really.

"Yeah though he's very mysterious, I only ever see him with his pack," Landon said to Mason. "Haven't you heard the rumors!?"

Lynx laughed. "Yeah, Landon talks about Lycans a lot."

"So you're not friends?" Mason said to Lynx.

"No. Definitely not," said Lynx. "... we're just in a lot of classes together."

The forested Energy Control classroom was rather comforting and inviting. Lynx knew that it was only the third day, but he was already starting to feel a sense of familiarity with this new life.

There was something systematic about it. There was a direction also. Something he'd never really experienced as an orphaned servant where the only escape was to get switched to another coven, or to use magic. Two things that had always seemed outside of his control before now.

There hadn't been time to read the message given to him at lunch, but he did take a slight detour to his dorm before class to drop it off. He wasn't sure why. Just that it seemed safer somehow. He wished there had been time to read it.

He was almost to a place to sit by a young tree when an angry voice approached him from behind.

"You've got problems now," a familiar voice said . "Don't talk to Ace again."

And before Lynx could say anything at all Erin punched him in the face. The sound was sickening.

"This is your first and last warning," said Erin with his angry face scrunched up.

Lynx didn't care that he was breaking the rules. He didn't care that he'd be missing
class. He had to leave.

He saw Ace before he got to the door. He wasn't sure what made him say it, but he found the words spilling out before he could stop them. "What the fucks wrong with your pack?". "what?" Said Ace   "control your pack!"

The trip to the infirmary was a quiet one with nearly all the other students either in classes or quiet study.

The infirmary was white and beautiful in a simple kind of way. The witches that worked there were sweet and caring. They brought a pack of ice and allowed him to stay even though Lynx suspected that it probably wasn't commonplace to let students out of classes because they got punched... But he was grateful for it.

They ran some tests according to protocol. But there wasn't much they could do about a black eye.

When he did leave, it was nearly time for dinner, but he didn't feel hungry.

He remembered how just this morning he'd made grand plans to find a mana orb and try to gain his magic faster after classes. And based on what he learned about the significance of his mental mindset, he knew his odds of gaining magic had gone down the toilet.

He decided to return to his dorm instead. Maybe a bath would help with the uncomfortable stuffiness from his cold and the dryness of his throat.

Since the other students were in the dining hall, it seemed like a good time to read the message that Ace had given him earlier.

He wished now that he'd given it to him in Abilities class instead of in front of his pack and most of the student body. Why'd Erin even care about Ace talking to me. And Why couldn't he have just given it to him then? It would have been more convenient anyway. He wouldn't have needed to track him down...

He remembered his face as he left the energy class. Lynx knew he shouldn't have said anything. It wasn't a smart move to say things that might anger a Lycan.

At least he wouldn't have to see him again until the Abilities class on Friday. Maybe he'll understand the situation and his place in this new world better then.

'maybe,' said the quiet voice of his mind.

"Maybe," Lynx agreed as he walked through the familiar stone hallways towards his dorm.

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