Chapter Twenty One

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His legs were heavy as they carried him to his dorm so he could bathe and change into a clean uniform. The eyes of the other students lingered on him as they passed, mostly headed in the opposite direction, but Lynx was grateful that they didn't say anything to him or those they were with about him.

Mason wasn't there when he arrived. Probably at breakfast...

30 minutes later clean and more presentable he made his way towards Abilities Class. He was glad he didn't dawdle getting ready because as he closed his dorm door on his way out, the first bell for class sounded.

Luckily most of the school had dispersed from the dining hall earlier leaving the pathway towards the staircase, and the corridor beyond it peacefully clear.

His footsteps fell in an even bravado against the stone floor.

Was it just this morning that he was a wolf? It seemed odd to him because he didn't feel any different... And yet.. he wasn't sure if that was true, he needed to speak to mr.dark he might know what he is.

At the thought, the power within him seemed to writhe, as if preparing to shift again. But he focused on his breathing like he'd read about in a book.

He felt like he might need to defend himself at any moment also. Expecting an attack?

Maybe because he's the prophesised hybrid. Maybe just because things felt so different now and who knows what'll happen to him now...

Hus stomach seemed to offer a grudging sound. Maybe he should have tried to get something for breakfast. And yet, he hadn't felt ready to face the school. Would he be ready by lunch?

He felt a new interest in his abilities class. As if it was suddenly made more relevant.

He couldn't be sure if it was a good thing this class only had fifteen students. Maybe because it was smaller, there wouldn't be gossip?

There were fewer students in the class today. After a quick count, it seemed like at least seven were missing including Ace.

Mrs. Lovestone didn't say anything apart from, "Good morning dear," as he passed. And he could feel crushing relief. This would be ok.

As he sunk into a comforting couch nearest the window, he felt many emotions. Despite the missing students, there was a sense of normalcy about it. He was just sitting here in class. there's no monster chasing him down...

'Don't jinx it,' said a familiar quiet voice in his head. He found himself smiling. Something he hadn't expected in the least bit.

He wondered briefly if the voice was the spirits somehow talking to him. But he quickly dismissed the idea. It didn't seem fitting.

Between the relief of the comfort of sitting down on a plush sofa... he felt a sense of unexpected safety. He felt more than that too though. He felt a contentment almost. He felt like he belonged. And it was a feeling that he didn't realize he'd been missing for so many years.

Sure there might be gossip later, and he didn't know what Landon might say. He didn't know if he'd be in trouble for missing General Agility...

But for the moment at least, he felt ok. Good even.

The professor's voice was gentle and relaxing. He listened and took some notes... but more than anything he felt like he needed to rest and give himself time to calm down.

It seemed like shifting into his wolf form had caused some kind of shock to his system. Understandably. And now.. now maybe he could give himself time to not only acclimate to the new situation but also to redefine his reality.

Everything had changed so much. The colors looked different... more distinct somehow. And the smells were intense. Not just the smells in the air, but where they were coming from, and from how long ago... Was this how the other shifters saw things all the time?

It seemed like.. for today at least, he could slack off on the schoolwork. It was ok that he was only half listening when he needed other more important things. Like time to rest, and adapt.

Things like trying to prepare for the next challenge to come. Aka, lunch, and the rest of the students. Would Landon be mad at him? And where were the missing students? Was it just this class they were missing, or had they somehow left the school?

And even though he felt safe he couldn't ignore the feeling that someone or something's been watching him all-day, like it's  waiting for him to be alone or something.

"I need to find Mr. Dark I think he knows what's happening to me" Lynx said whispering to himself.
Maybe Mr. Dark knew he was the hybrid all along and tried to warn him with the note and Ace, though How'd his Hyrbid gene activate now?

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