Chapter Twenty Two

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"Lynx!" called Landon from a table in the corner of the dining hall. "Is it true about what people are saying!"

Lynx slightly looked around. "Yeah I'm a hybrid," he said when he was in talking distance.

"Wish I had been there when you first shifted," said Landon. "From what I heard it was badass, apparently you had a strong aura when you shifted."

Lynx laughed freely. He couldn't help it. Landon's words were so unexpected.
"I don't remember much Of what happend though it felt amazing."

"Have you gained your magic?" said Landon, taking a delicate bite of his double-stacked Meat sandwich.

"Yeah, and my magical ability" said Lynx.

"Well What's your magical ability," said Landon. "I can take other witches magical abilities. And possibly there magic too. It's downright rare to have this ability. And the last witch to have it was the first hybrid"

Lynx looked around. He felt like he was being watched again.

"Holy crap that's an amazing ability. And if I was you I wouldn't tell too many people, just in case they get jealous or scared of you... I was surprised you were so calm and in control. Sometimes it takes weeks for the human mind to gain control back the first time they shift."

"Yeah you're right, though you and Mason are the only people at this school who know what my magical ability is..  I wish I'd shifted in a private area," said Lynx. "It was so weird. And other students keep watching me whenever I walk down the corridor, you think they know I'm a hybrid."

"I wouldn't be too worried about them knowing. For all you know they're probably impressed. I even heard one guy, John, in my Business Practice class going on and on about how you must be a lycan, so I don't think they know you're a Hyrbid yet."

Lynx and Mason burst out in laughter. The idea seemed so ludicrous. Particularly to Lynx. He'd only just gained his magic yesterday, and before then he couldn't be sure if he was even a witch.

"Well, what are you planning on doing now," said Landon.

"I guess I'll have to learn to control my magic and also how to shift, given my lack of information on Hybrids i need to find Mr. Dark," said Lynx. "But I don't even know where to find Mr. Dark."

"Nor do I," said Mason.

There was quiet for a while as they ate. Lynx found himself wondering about what it'd been like when others had gained their magic. He'd never imagined what it'd be like to have magic, he thought he'd never have magic. Did his old coven know what he truly was. It would explain why the priestess sent him to this academy.

His experience from the Zarkov coven up until now was like a ladybug being born in a small greenhouse, and living its whole life in that space, and believed that's all there was until one day it somehow slipped out of the open door, and suddenly seeing the acres of wild grassland and trees in the distance...

"What were your first shifts like?" Lynx asked Mason after a while.
Mason laughed before answering, "I was screaming to the high heavens for the Moon Goddess to free me from the bondage of life. And when I finally did manage to turn, after seven hours I might add, I nearly bit the throat out of the Beta whose transgression was standing twenty-five feet too close to me."

Lynx winced. "Seven hours?"

"Yeah, it wasn't great," said Mason. "The Beta tossed me aside like I was an underweight kitten... which wasn't far from the truth. I bet a lot of other werewolves experiences was similar."

"Damn that must have sucked, I guess I'm lucky I was born a witch." Said Landon.

"But it was my luck that I was alone when it happened."

"I'm surprised you're adjusting so well really. Sometimes it takes people weeks to create a semblance of normalcy."

"Maybe because I'm a few years older than when most people shift or get their magic for the first time," said Lynx.

"I guess it's possible," said Mason, but he
didn't sound convinced.

It was several weeks later, and luckily the rumors about Lynx being a Hyrbid had run their course and disappeared.

He was walking with Landon and Mason in the courtyard garden before their General Agility class was due to start.

"Do you think they're ditching?" said Landon, continuing a. conversation they'd had the previous day.

"I thought ditching class wasn't allowed though," said Mason.

"Maybe they got kicked out of the school somehow?" said Lynx.

"Seven students all in one day? And all from the most elite Agility class?" said Mason. "I doubt it."

"But I'm in that class," said Lynx. "It can't be that elite."

They turned into a secluded hedged garden. Tulips, blue hydrangeas, and lavender were arranged by height along tidy lush hedgerows. The aroma's mixed in a relaxing way in the warm Spring air.

"Maybe they're not ditching?" said Landon, continuing the conversation.

"We checked the infirmary though," said Lynx. "And we didn't see any rooms that look occupied, let alone seven."

"Yeah, but I mean.. maybe there are other ways to get excused from classes," said Landon.

"Not on about that rumor again are you?" said Mason.

"Well, why not!" said Landon. "Even a rumor can be right on rare occasions."

"It's been weeks though," said Lynx.

"And even if  a Lycan was found in one of the packs, it's so unlikely that they'd send seven eighteen-year-old students to go... take care of it," said Mason.

"But it's like you said Mason," said Landon. "They're not just any seven students. They are seven Elite students who are also adults, based on shifter and witch law. One of which is a Lycan.. probably one of the only Lycan known in existence currently... I mean really, who else would they be sending to retrieve a shifter who just transformed into a Lycan, and who is probably crazy out of control with his new power and abilities..."

"Hm, maybe," said Lynx. It seemed possible. Then again any number of things seemed possible. "I guess it does seem unlikely that they randomly kicked out the only Lycan in existence. Certainly, if that happened there'd be some information about what they did to get expelled."

"My point exactly!" said Landon victorious. "They've been gone a while now. I bet they come back soon with the new Lycan."

"Yeah probably. Maybe once Ace gets back I can ask him about Mr. Dark," said Lynx while Mason agreed.

Landon had agreed that Ace  probably knew where to find Mr. Dark. He and Lynx agreed that.. although there might be some kind of connection between them, Ace might not even tell them where to find him. Lynx would probably have to find Mr.Dark himself , particularly after he shifted if it was his doing specifically. And that if it was, he might be watching Lynx, to learn more about the Hybrids or maybe to keep a watch on him to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone.

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