Chapter Twenty Five

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"It's all your fault," Erin shouted towards Lynx in the open entry of the dining room. The few students who had only just gotten food stood with their trays looking in the direction of the commotion.

"What is it this time," said Lynx.. mostly to himself.

"As if you don't know," said Erin. He narrowed his eyes with menacing dislike.

Lynx wondered what Erin's problem was with him. He'd hardly even interacted with him at all all year. And yet he was so fixated...

"You're mad because I laughed yesterday?" Lynx guessed.

Erin laughed as if that suggestion was pathetic. "Not very smart are you?"

"Maybe you could just tell me what your problem is, and we can settle this like," said Lynx.

"Showing your true colours now," said Erin. "I know the truth and no amount of words would be able to resolve the issue."

"I think I'm still not sure what the issue is." said Lynx hoping he wasn't talking about him being a Hyrbid. He was starting to get irritated now. Some part of him kind of wanted to shift and rip Erin's throat out just to stop the annoyance. Only... no, that's not who I am, he thought.

He wasn't sure what bothered him more. Being harassed, his harasser not telling him why, or why it had to be done in the crowded dining area. He thought about the other students who should have the opportunity to enjoy their meals in peace.

"Just fight it out," said a boy at the nearest table.

"Lunch and a show," replied his friend.

"Then again.. to each, their own,' thought Lynx. He laughed. He couldn't help it. The whole situation seemed so...bizarre. he realized too late that laughing wasn't helpful to the situation.

Erin walked towards him in a predatory way.

"Don't do it, Erin," said Landon, who had approached from behind Erin from his table. "You know he doesn't know yet. You know it's not his or anyone's fault."

Lynx was puzzled over this. What was Landon talking about? If Landon knew something he didn't... why wouldn't he have told him?

"Either way, there's only one option left," said Erin.

"What? To fight?" said Landon. "Are you stupid?"

But Erin didn't seem to hear his words because he'd already lunged towards Lynx. Lynx saw sharp metal spikes between the fingers of his fisted hands.

Lynx blocked the first attack out of instinct. His months of practice in the fighting class coming in handy. But Erin was quick and skilled. He seemed to expect to be blocked at his first attack and was quick to spin and lunge at Lynx's lower back, which was left unprotected from his recent block.

There was a kind of commotion in the dining room.

"Go get help," he heard an older boy shout.

Erin's attacks wouldn't let up and Lynx was starting to feel fatigued. He'd been learning new magic spells and practicing his new magical ability early this morning, and classes had been strenuous, and it didn't help that he hadn't eaten for sixteen hours.

No. A voice seemed to say in the back of his mind. Just no. He wouldn't stand for this. Erin needed to be stopped. Adrenaline spiked through his veins and his sense of smell was enhanced again.

But it wasn't just that. His eyesight became sharper. And it seemed as if all the movement around him was slowing down.

He saw Erin shifting his weight from his left leg, preparing to kick with herp right. His stronger leg.. Lynx seemed to know instinctively.

There was almost a bubble of light also. One around Erin, and another around him, Other students also.. like an aura., only it wasn't

something he saw, but rather...something he seemed to feel through his mind.

He blocked Erin in a rather effortless way then. As if able to predict the moves he would make before Erin knew himself.

It wasn't long before Lynx saw an opening. Erin had the habit of dropping his hands when he kicked with his left leg leaving the right side of his face exposed.

When the opportunity came again, Lynx was quick to press his advantage. The sound of his fist landing on Erin's cheek echoed through the hall just as the running footsteps of school officials arrived at the scene. Lynx couldn't help but feel some instinctive dislike towards them. He wasn't sure why. Maybe because they hadn't arrived sooner.

Erin crumpled onto the cold floor. Lynx worried for a moment that he'd somehow killed him with one punch. But no, he could hear his heartbeat. Knocked out.

The school officials, including Mrs. Bee, the Energy Control teacher, hovered over Erin. They didn't seem to want to look at Lynx. But he couldn't be sure why.

"There's a stretcher in the bag," the dark-haired man said to two tall boys he'd picked out of the crowd of students who now stood around the room with their meals forgotten. "You'll take him to the infirmary."

The second man who had arrived had turned to face Lynx. He held something that looked like a stun gun in his hand. Lynx felt a new wave of irritation burn through him.

"It wasn't his fault," said Landon, stepping in and taking hold of one of the man's hands. "It was self-defense. Nothing else."

Lynx couldn't stand still anymore. Thoughts seemed to race through his head, and the adrenaline made him want to fight. It was such an unnerving feeling because he'd never had that inclination before. He felt like things were changing for him too fast, and he couldn't be sure who exactly he was anymore. He felt nostalgia for the boy he'd been less than a year ago... in an abusive situation sure, but in a situation where things stayed the same.

He turned to run. He felt the need to shift. That would help. Ever since he triggered his Hyrbid gene him shifting was like a getaway he didn't have to think or stress over the council or others.

"Either way, it's a serious transgression. The committee will need to discuss the situation," the official said.

"Not if it wasn't his fault," Landon said when Lynx was almost to the door.

"That may be Mrs. Bee, but the rules for..." The man said, but his words faded away as Lynx got out of hearing range.

Lynx accidentally shifted in the corridor just outside of the dining hall. Safe from the prying eyes of his classmates. There weren't many students in the hall, but those that were, stood aside not knowing who it was, as he moved past focused on reaching the freedom of the courtyard.

He stayed there until well after the darkest part of the night. He didn't know what class he'd missed, and he couldn't find the will to care.

He vaguely wondered what Erin was so mad about, and what Landon had been keeping from him.. and yet, those were mysteries for another day. Because for right now, there was only the cool night air and the protection and solitude in the depths of his abandoned shack.

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