Chapter Twenty Nine

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The rumors were irritating. They spread like rapid-fire across the school.

Lynx could see the logic of it... if Lynx was a hybrid then he might also be the Hyrbid of prophecy... Though could the school have already known... he was given a red class marker with a golden stripe when he first came to the school... and and and...

But... maybe They secretly gave each student a different coloured class marker for how dangerous they were. It was only a thought. though it made sense.

He.. didn't want everyone to find out he was a hybrid, if everyone found out then.. he might be taken and experimented on and maybe even killed.

And yet the rumors.. just the thought that he could be kidnapped or killed... the idea seemed to nag at him at every chance. Particularly in classes, when the curious gazes of classmates lingered on him when they didn't think he'd see.

Leaving classes, through the corridors, people stood further back from him than they did even for Ace. No doubt they thought he was dangerous or short tempered and out of control... like the rumours said. He started to feel like he was being followed again, and maybe he was.. it'd make sense if the school made someone follow him just in case he went berserk and started killing the other students.
He thought It was a very isolating experience. Made even more because of how distant he'd been feeling with Landon recently.

"He's almost eighteen," he heard a distant student say as he made his way to the dining hall. "There's no way he's the hybrid of prophecy. He looks way too weak to be the hybrid"

Their words haunted him. It didn't help that Lynx's enhanced hearing had started to come and go as it pleased. It made it hard to avoid the rumors.

"I heard he can use magic and shift at the same time," said another student. The voices, though whispered seemed to ring through the corridor.

A hybrid.. maybe the rumours will stop.

'You need to control your abilities, Mason's voice, from their first study session, seemed to echo in his mind.

It had a sobering effect. Maybe if he wasn't under so much stress, and maybe if the rumors weren't plaguing him.. maybe then he'd be able to focus and gain control... maybe.

"Just accept it already, the rumors are true and we can't stop them," said Landon later that evening. He had pulled Lynx aside after their General Agility class.

"But if everyone knows they're real then I could be killed or kidnapped and experimented on .." said Lynx.

"Maybe they won't hurt you because you might be the hybrid of prophecy?"

"No.. but that's beside the point," said Lynx stubbornly. "Some people will still be jealous or want power."

"Your right?" said Landon, sounding worried. "Though you've been training your magic and abilities for a few months now so maybe you can protect yourself"

"And what if I haven't learned enough to protect myself? I still haven't got full control over my werewolf abilities yet," said Lynx.

"Don't worry we'll train you as much as we can just in case you need to fight," said Landon. "If anything happens before then, me and mason will protect you."

"Thank you, though if anything happens to me just leave me behind and run," said Lynx. "I don't want you two getting hurt because of me."

"If anything happens to you then I'm fighting with you or for you no matter what" said Landon, sounding serious.

Lynx paused. He didn't want to argue with Landon so he just nodded.
"are you still sick?" Said Landon
How did he forget how sick he'd been for month's and months at the start of the school? "No," he said to Landon. "Not since..."

"Not since you shifted," said Landon. "And you remember what we read about the Hyrbid gene and how a virus can be a trigger for it."

"Your right." said Lynx with a curious look on his face. "Maybe someone gave me the virus?."

"Maybe it was Mr.Dark ?" said Landon.

Lynx thought for a time. The whole idea of it sounded.. foreign and uncomfortable. Why would a random teacher that Lynx never met already know he's a hybrid? And why would he make him sick... Was it because of the prophecy, to be expected to be a leader. Though how could he know it was Lynx? All he'd wanted was to be able to help his family of orphans at his old pack.

'As a Hybrid, you can,' said the quiet voice of his mind.

"Maybe he isn't actually a teacher," he said to Anne. "I just think if he was a teacher at this school then we would've already found him."

He wasn't sure how a mysterious teacher knew he was a Hyrbid and he wasn't sure if he was an ally or enemy yet, though he knew he had to find Mr. Dark and get answers...

Hopefully he can find him before the rumours get worse and someone tries to hurt him or worse.

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