Chapter Four

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My room for the day is nice, but not extravagant. And yet after the tiny room I've been living in for the past 12 years, it's magnificent. The ensuite bathroom was luxurious with marble accents. The bathtub would have been big enough for at least 3.

"Holy sh!t," I said, looking into the closet, which was bigger than the entirety of my old room plus the two bathrooms down the hall that were shared by 19 orphans. There was only one piece of clothing in there. A general beige uniform. I guess to signify the new ranking.

...My new ranking.

I wonder if I'm like a pig before slaughter.... being doted on, and fed the good food... It seems weird to me that I'd be moved to this room even though it's just for one night. I could have just stayed in my other space, and yet.. don't look a gift horse in the mouth?

I'm here now, and I'm going to make the most of it.

A bag was provided for me. It didn't take long to pack my items which had been placed on an end table in the corner near the door.

It was only a handful of items. My journal, an odd collection of pens, my clothes, and A moonstone ring, that was left to me after my parents passed. There were several toys also, including a rainbow slinky, a ball of playing putty, and a yoyo. They aren't things I play with generally, but they're good things for trading amongst the younger kids.

At least they would have been. I suppose that's changed now.

They didn't bring my other 4 work uniforms. All were the same with matching pale yellow shirts and pants. The darker colors were reserved for higher-ranking positions. White wasn't used for clothing. At least I've never seen it. I guess my uniforms were technically the property of the pack... But it made me feel weird. Violated almost. Those were the only things I wore for so long. And now everything seems to be changing so fast. Was I ready for this?

I spent the day helping the other orphans with chores. Old habits die hard. We'd made detailed plans for that evening in my temporary room. It's still hard to believe that I'll be leaving tomorrow. But it's more reason to enjoy tonight.

Even the chores seemed like something to be celebrated. Washing the dishes. A seemingly mundane task that I'd done thousands of times before; Was suddenly made precious. A novelty even. My last time.

Strangely, I felt so much sadness when for so long I despised the work and living situation. Maybe life's like that sometimes. Maybe it's a reminder that it's not just the chores, and the animosity from coven members that I'd be leaving behind.. but also the other orphans. The family we'd created despite the challenging situation.. or maybe because of it.

Once the dishes were finished, I went to help with laundry. I tried not to dwell on my new situation. It all felt so surreal still. I felt comfortable in my chores. The comfortable chatter of Anna and Mary who were working laundry today. I thought about telling them about my situation... but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It seemed like this was a gift I could give myself. To get lost In my work and pretend for a moment that things hadn't changed really.

I'd invite them all to my room tonight. I'd tell them then.

It was jarring when I went for lunch because, after scanning my keycard, I wasn't admitted to the orphan's dining area. I guess I'm not an orphan anymore. I thought about knocking... but it didn't seem right. And what if they asked questions? I wasn't ready to tell them yet.

I thought about going to the coven dining hall instead... but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I wasn't ready for the change. I wasn't ready for the stares of the other pack
let alone any of their potential animosity.

I went back to work instead. Cleaning the counters of the kitchen, and sneaking an orange and a handful of grapes. I managed to stop by the orphan notice board. I took a sheet from my journal to write a note telling them to come to my room tonight after dinner.

I'm not sure what tomorrow holds in store for me, but I took solace in knowing that tonight will be something special. A night to remember.

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