Chapter Two

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I didn't make it back to my room that night. It's unfortunate, not just because of my injuries from the fight with Jacob, but because I wasn't able to be there for Malia on her first night.

I wanted to be there. And as one of the oldest orphans, i should have been there... I would. have been there.

My arm seemed to be broken. Today was my day for dusting and vacuuming. I wonder how much longer it will take with a broken arm.  It was almost 7 already. If I had any hope of finishing before evening I better get going. Especially since I still have to stop by my room for clean clothes.

I peel away the medical stickies helping to monitor my heart rate. The machine sounds an alarm, but I breathe a sigh of relief when no one comes racing in. Granted, I didn't expect it. I've never been much of a priority in this coven. And.. really I don't blame them. I can't even use magic yet. What am I doing in a coven?

I should join the human city. I had made plans. Dreamt of it. To be accepted as an equal...To be valued...

But change is hard. Hard to work up the nerve. Hard without money. It's not paid work here. You're paid with a bed, and some food and ...

'And that's something to be grateful for,' 1 finish in my mind, peering through the door.

followed the hallway to the south before it opened up to a larger corridor. There were a few turns before I could make it to a secret passageway. I can get to my room this way without anyone but lower-ranking coven members seeing me. And they were all so busy with remedial tasks that they didn't have time to be bothering me.

I made it to my room by 7:30, but when I put my key in the lock, the door wouldn't open.

I walked to the notice board that was around the corner, near the other orphan rooms, to see if anything new had been posted. But it was the same as yesterday. The schedule for chores, a trading list.. without money we need to trade each other for new things. That's how I got my journal.

At the top of the list, Rudy wrote that he has a stuffed teddy bear he's hoping to trade for a soccer ball or coloured pencils.

What a sad situation. A soccer ball or coloured pencils. Such a small trinket. Such a modest thing for a young kid to desire. I have such a strong urge to give him both somehow. And he could keep the teddy bear! ...if only I were able to do so.

I tried my door again, but it remained locked. I checked my watch. Another 5 minutes had elapsed. I felt uneasy. I felt worried about getting behind on my chores. I knocked, but I knew that the others would have left by 6 to train and learn more magic.

What was I going to do?

"I thought I might find you here," said Miguel. He's an older Witch. Kinder than most others. but also loyal only to the High Priestess. I wonder if he was an orphan too once.

I felt panic. As if he might call me out for not doing my work. It didn't help that the hallway, with the orphan's rooms, was a dead-end.

"Hello sir," I said bowing my head in respect.

"They told me you'd be in the infirmary."

"I'm sorry," I said, "I thought I should get to my chores."

"You don't have work today," he said. "You were meant to go to the High Priestesses office once you were released from the infirmary.. but I guess you've gone ahead and released yourself."

I bit my lip to stop myself from apologizing again. "But what about my chores?"

"They've been reassigned. Now follow me."

And I did... even though I didn't want to. Reassigned? I didn't want any of the other orphans to have to pick up my slack. And what about me? Was I moving to a different part of the pack? Would I be kicked out for defending myself when Jacob attacked me last night?

I was relieved he took me back to the infirmary so I could shower and change. But, though I did feel better, it didn't help much with my nerves.

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