Chapter Thirteen

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Life Principles started the same way as Energy Control had; with the teacher calling students up one by one, but this time to receive a satchel of educational supplies. Lynx was able to look through it to find notebooks, writing utensils, a planner, and a couple of books. But he wasn't able to see what the books were because Landon grabbed his arm, and was pulling him to a pair of desks that were uncomfortably close to the front of the room.

This room was much different than the room that Energy Control was held in. It was finished in sandy wood, and the desks were on different levels around the room to allow a clear view from all spaces.

The Fighting Defense class by comparison was held in the spacious indoor gym. Lynx felt a bit sick just thinking about it. He was easily the worst in the class.

"Life Principles is a class of science," the teacher, Mr. Bernthal, started in what was sure to be a long-winded lecture. But before Lynx was able to lose interest, Landon passed a letter to him.

'I found something out!"

'About the sledding day and fondue party?' Lynx wrote back. He attempted to slide it back nonchalantly, but it was a sloppy pass. It seems he hasn't acquired clandestine note-passing skills yet.

'About the Hybrids! and the prophecy.'

'You're keeping me in suspense? Tell me already! Lynx wrote back, this time slipping the note into his notebook as if needing to share him lecture notes.

'apparently The Hybrid is at this school. Might even be in our classes... I won't be able to get to the actual prophecy to learn who it is until I get a key to the locked study room in the library. And I'm not sure what the key is or how to find it yet. (Henceforth referred to as Project Acquisition!) Landon passed him this on a new paper.

'why do you wanna know who it is? Lynx wrote back on a new paper. 'because? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see this?'

'I hadn't thought about that actually,' said Lynx's note. 'it would be pretty rare to see another hybrid,'

'I was too busy reading about their abilities. They're able to take more than one animal form.. if they're able to control their powers anyway.'

'What happens if they don't control them?' wrote Lynx. And does this hybrid stuff have anything to do with the class markers we're required to wear? It's like we're a massive herd of cattle who've been branded.'

'I didn't think about how they were born. Nothing I've read talks about that. I'm not sure about the markers either. But it seems to be the school's way of tracking and categorizing the students to help provide the best opportunities based on the student's abilities. I've heard pink represents those with healing abilities. But that could just be a rumor.

"Time will tell," Lynx said to Landon as the students around them moved to get out one of the textbooks "A supernatural World."

It was the first time they'd been in the fourth-floor courtyard. Lynx saw that there was a massive domed roof above it that was perfectly clear. Beyond it, he could see dark clouds, and white snowflakes that seemed to dissipate by the time they got close to the glass shield.

It was colder out there as compared to inside the building but the dark black jackets, provided with their school uniforms, were more than sufficient. Lynx noticed that several other students waiting there for the start of General Agility class didn't bother with a jacket at all. Perhaps knowing that the active class would make them too hot for the added layer.

Lynx was busy scanning the students to see if Ace was there. He wasn't sure why, but something about him kind of made him a mystery.

"Don't worry, he's not here," said Landon.

"That's a relief," said Lynx, rubbing a knotted muscle in his shoulder. He still ached all over from the fighting class yesterday, and he felt like he was coming down with a flu or something.

When he mentioned the feeling to Landon, he said, "I wouldn't worry Lynx. I'm sure it's just a small cold, should pass by dinner."

Lynx nodded, but as the physically strenuous class started he wondered again if he even was a witch. And if he wasn't.. what then? How much longer can this charade continue?

What would happen if it didn't continue?

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