Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ace and Lynx's other missing classmates didn't return for another week. It was Friday, after lunch, and Lynx was nearly late arriving at abilities class.

"Sorry I'm late," he said upon entering. He stopped short seeing the classroom much fuller than it had been for so long. He found himself avoiding eye contact with Ace. He couldn't be sure why.

His eyes rested instead on a new student. he was small and scrawny with bright blue eyes and short brown hair. He seemed very proper, with his back straight and legs crossed delicately, but he also gave the impression that he wanted to look smaller than he was.

"That's quite alright Lynx. Please have a seat," said Mrs. Lovestone. "We'll be working on protective mental and physical shields for shifters and witches today."

Lynx nodded while still looking at the new guy. He felt... uneasy about him. But the new guy was so tiny and seemed so timid that he couldn't be sure why he'd feel uneasy. Lynx was about to look away when the glint of something wrapped around the boy's arms caught his eye. They were a kind of delicate chain. They crisscrossed geometrically from his hands to his elbow.

Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Lynx took the only remaining seat, which happened to be by Ace. As he moved towards it, he instinctively didn't turn his back to the new guy. And yet, Lynx knew he shouldn't judge the guy when they'd never even spoken.

It came as no surprise to Lynx that he wasn't any good at the energy shields they worked on, and he wasn't good at magic shields either. More subpar abilities to add to his growing list. Then again, he couldn't be sure if it was because he just wasn't good at this new magic, or if he wasn't able to concentrate because of his uneasiness.

The guy approached him near the end of class. Or rather he approached Ace who was seated next to him.

"You were right Ace," said the guy. "It is much better. Thank you."

"Don't mention it," he said, in an offhanded way as he stood and settled his satchel onto his shoulder.

The guy laughed. It sounded like they were good friends, maybe they knew each other before the academy. "Hey Ace, who's your friend?"

Ace looked surprised. No doubt he, like Lynx, had never thought he'd talk to Ace like this.

"This is Lynx. Lynx... meet Christopher."

Lynx didn't say anything right away. The tension was stiff like frozen wax... he can't be the only one feeling it. "Hello," he said at last in a bit of a monotone.

"Hello!" said the guy. He sounded so happy
at even just the simplest of responses. "I was wondering if you'd maybe be able to show me to the dining hall. I know we've only just met, but the others are no doubt sick of me after our long travels."

Lynx looked at Ace. He wasn't sure why... maybe he expected him to intervene. But he seemed not to even be paying attention. Now that he looked at him closely he could see he looked exhausted.

"Alright," Lynx said to the guy. He'd be going there anyway to meet up with Landon and Mason. It didn't seem like walking with this guy would cause any detriment.

What could possibly go wrong?

"It's amazing," Christopher seemed to say around every corner. Arriving on the fourth floor he practically twirled to see a 360 of the grand hall.

"Amazing," he said again.

Lynx didn't say anything. His uneasy feelings remained. And yet, the guy seemed perfectly sweet. Though he felt like he was being watched again.

"It's the Ferrowstone," said Christopher several minutes later, as if reading Lynx's mind.

"Ferrowstone?" said Lynx.

"It helps me to control my werewolf abilities," said the guy, who seemed oddly sober compared to moments ago. "It's toxic you see. And I must use my abilities to protect and heal myself from it. A constant energy drain which means I'm left with a small enough amount that I can control."

"Oh," said Lynx. He couldn't be sure what he should say. It seemed rather barbaric to him. What an awful situation. "It sounds horrible."

"No, I'm lucky mostly. Lucky to have the power I suppose. And someday I can hope to obtain control of it."

"You can take the ferrowstone off then?"

"Well," said Christopher. "That's not up to me. But I'd like to think so."

Lynx wanted to ask who it was up to.. and yet he didn't want to pry. They rounded the corner into the dining hall.

"Wow, this is incredible," said Christopher. "Thank you for showing me the way."

And with that, he seemed to be bound away from Lynx, who watched for a moment with intrigue before Landon and Mason caught up to where Lynx stood by the entrance.

"You ready?!" said Mason sounding excited.

"Absolutely," said Lynx. He needed a night off.

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