Chapter 2

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It was a little after two o'clock when the entire development team as well as Tony and Sandra, the founder and co-founder of ALT9, entered the conference room to go over our weekly projects.

I could tell Samyra had enough of today with the way she scoffed and carefully rolled her eyes as we gathered at the large table. Ralph went about handing out water bottles and papers with client lists along with other important annotations, then sitting down, preparing to take notes.

We all had our laptops out and took turns sharing and pitching ideas on the projected screen and going over flowcharts and project deadlines.

"... In addition to current projects, we'll need to send a team out to California to attend the annual business expo tomorrow in Los Angeles. Our digital marketing team will be leaving tonight in order to set up tomorrow morning," Tony said and that was Olivera's cue to subtly glance over to Samyra and I, readjusting her arrogant posture. Samyra gripped my hand tightly, silently pleading for me to restrain her.

"We just need someone to supervise and connect with potential clients. With that being said, Lavender, Samyra, if you two aren't booked up this weekend, we'd like for you both to represent us-"

"I volunteer as tribute!" Ralph said, quickly standing up with a loud broadcasted tone and three fingers held up high in the air.

No he didn't.

"Sit down, Ralphie!" Samyra bellowed with her elbow planted on the table, holding her head up with two fingers and looking like she's just about had it with him and Olivera today.

"Girl, shut up," He whispered sharply. Samyra flung both her hands up waiting for someone to check him. When she realized it wasn't going to happen, I averted my gaze, fighting back a laugh. "Tony! Sir, let me go with them, please!"

"Ralph, you know we only send the marketing and designing teams out," Tony claimed sympathetically, "besides, it's not in our budget to send extra people. And who's going to answer the phones whe-"

"Tony, you got two Teslas downstairs in the garage. Two! And you talkin' bout a damn budget. I know you got it, Tony! I can be useful tomorrow, just hire a temp and If it's my room and board you're worried about, I'll pay for my ticket and hotel." Ralph said, practically cutting Tony off mid-sentence. After a few moments of silence, Tony responded in a defeated tone.


I had just enough time after work to get to the grocery store before closing time to grab ingredients for our dinner tonight

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I had just enough time after work to get to the grocery store before closing time to grab ingredients for our dinner tonight. Samyra and I parted ways as she got off the train one stop before our normal stop to go and meet up with Marcus at his barbershop. Ralph had gotten off an hour before we did, excitedly strutting and singing, all the while cursing out the janitors for taking their time getting off the elevators and holding him up from his vacay.

I grabbed a basket and headed to the meat section for steaks. Then I searched the produce for asparagus, garlic, potatoes, and butter, olive oil, and seasoning containers. Finally, I picked up a bottle of sparkling red wine before checking out. My phone buzzed and Jasmine, my little sister, had begun flooding my phone with text messages.

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