Chapter 23

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"How you liking the view, baby?" Leonard asked as our chairlift carried us upward. The ground became smaller and smaller beneath our feet and the people that I saw when we were at ground level were now just tiny black specs on a white canvas. The piercing cold wind made my eyes water but I still found the time to take in the beautiful view.

"Wow, Daddy. It's amazing up here." More wind picked up, causing the chairlift to sway slightly and I looked ahead, smiling at Shane and Jasmine talking, playfully bumping each other's shoulders.

"Mhm, Jasmine and I thought you would." He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead as I rested the side of my head on his shoulder. Eventually, the wind died down a little bit and I could hear Shane and Jasmine's laughter clearer now.

"I'm glad we're doing this." I said, my eyes still fixed on the view. "Did you like Shane's Christmas gift?"

"Oh yeah," He replied, smiling proudly at the new Rolex on his wrist. Shane got Jasmine a new camera, something he noticed her talking about during dinner one night and she squealed excitedly once she fully unwrapped her gift, then he showered her with a bunch of gift cards to various retail stores. He spoils that girl rotten, but I couldn't deny how much I loved him for it.

"I'm glad. And how about Shane?" I asked. "Do you like him?"

"I sure do because he's taking good care of my baby." My father nodded, his wincing eyes scanning the mountainside as we continued our ascent.

I smiled at his words, knowing they were true. Shane had brought so much into my life in such a short amount of time, that I couldn't imagine not having him in it. He's funny and kind and always knew how to make me feel better.

"He's funny as hell too."

"That's funny because he said the same about you." I laughed. My father grinned at my response.

"I know it hasn't been that long, but I can tell he really cares about you. I'm happy you found someone like him." He looked at me with a proud and loving expression, causing my heart to swell with warmth.

"Me too, Daddy." I said as I stroked my thumb against the beautiful diamond pendant around my neck, closing my eyes as I remembered how Shane had slid it around my neck as I woke up this morning. He also surprised me with front row tickets to Justin Timberlake's concert next month for after we get back from Columbia, something I had been dying to go to ever since it was announced.

It was early when we video called his Mom to wish her and his Aunt Mariah a Merry Christmas. Mama Myers was so excited to see and talk to us, stepping away to rant about how much her sister was getting on her last nerves and how she was ready to be back home.

She missed Shane and complained about how she hasn't gotten the chance to meet me yet so we decided to stop to visit her before leaving for Columbia. It was heartwarming to see how much Shane adored his family and I could see so many of Mama Myers' traits in him, just from hearing her talk.

After I told my dad about Shane and what he does for a living, he and Jasmine went out and bought him an authentic Turkish Copper Sand coffee maker and Shane was blown away opening his gift this morning.

We were getting closer to the top of the mountain and the view became even more breathtaking. The snow covered peaks stretched out for miles and the sun's rays illuminated the entire landscape.

We watched as Shane and Jasmine got off their chairlift first, wasting no time and rushing over to the sidelines to wait for us, strapping on their skis.

"Alright, It's coming. You ready?" He asked and I nodded excitedly. Leonard and I reached the top and the chairlift attendant pulled up the metal safety bar, prompting us to step off.

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