Fourteen Years Ago

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Ten years had passed since that day at the pond, and now the once vibrant and carefree moments were overshadowed by the harsh reality of Joy's battle with lung cancer.

Fragile and weak, she still held onto her spirit, determined to teach Lavender, her oldest flower, everything she could before she left this world.

In the large kitchen, Lavender and Joy stand, side by side, cooking and letting the aroma of spices fill the air.

"Now, baby," she whispered, her voice strained yet filled with love. "I want to show you how to create a dish that will always bring a smile to your face, no matter what life throws at you."

With trembling hands, Joy reached for a jar of spices and added a pinch of cumin and a dash of paprika to the pot on the stove. The bubbling liquid filled the air with the aroma of warmth and comfort. ."

As hard as she tried to fight against it, tears welled up in Lavender's eyes as she watched her mother, her heart aching with the knowledge that soon she would have to face the world without her guiding hand. But in this moment, she focused on her mother's words, determined to absorb every bit of wisdom and love she had to offer.

Lavender understood that Joy wanted her to be capable of taking care of her little sister, especially when it came to the kitchen. With the exception of his astounding sweet potato pie and a few other basic meals, Leonard meant well, but his culinary skills were limited, and Joy knew it.

Joy continued to instruct Lavender, "Now, we'll add the tomatoes and let them cook for a bit. Then we'll add the chicken. Remember to season it well, and let it simmer for at least an hour. That's how you'll get the flavors to meld together."

Lavender nodded, wiping away tears as she continued to watch her mother. But her attention would drift off occasionally. Frustrated, Joy snapped her back to reality with harsh words.

"Lavender, I need you to pay attention... Okay? This is important!" Joy's eyes bore into Lavender's, desperate for her to comprehend the magnitude of what she was trying to teach her. "Very soon... I won't be here to provide for you or your sister. So promise me you'll be strong and capable!"

"I promise, Mama," Lavender reassured her, her voice quivering with emotion. "I'll take care of her, always." But the weight of the situation proved too much for Joy to bear.

Lavender, at her delicate age of fourteen, stood there, absorbing her mama's words, feeling the weight of her worry pressing down on her shoulders. Though her outburst hurt, Lavender understood the love and concern hidden within her mama's fierce words. Joy only wanted the best for Lavender and three-year-old Jasmine.

Taking a deep breath, Lavender stepped closer to her, wrapping her arms around Joy's trembling figure. "I promise, Mama. I will be there for her." she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Joy leaned into the embrace, feeling the familiar comfort of her daughter's arms around her. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment and the love between them. Joy took a deep breath, discreetly wincing as the pain in her chest intensified.

"Now, let's finish this dish, shall we?" she said, gesturing towards the pot on the stove.

"Okay. I love you, Mama."

"I love you too, baby."

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