𝑡𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑎𝑛 | 𝑠𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒

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| This is a little continuation for "𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟?"

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| This is a little continuation for "𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟?".  Though there's nothing too crazy, be warned it does get pretty spicy. If you're not comfortable with that, I advise you click out ‼️ 🙅🏻‍♀️|

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Five days passed since the night Taesan came to Y/N's apartment. She thought she'd at least see him around the building at some point, but she had yet to see him anywhere. It was as if he knew her schedules already, perfectly avoiding her. Y/N made her way to the elevator, pushing the first floor button. 'Just a glimpse,' she mentally pleaded. Y/N scanned the lobby as she walked out of the building. She didn't see him. Shaking off any thoughts of him, she went on with her day. 

Y/N got to her door, inserting her key & unlocking it. She opened the door to walk in, but froze when she heard a door behind her open.

She whipped her head looking in the direction of the noise... he walked out closing the door behind him.


He looked up & saw Y/N, he too, froze.

The tension rose again as they stared at each other.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out. Their interaction was over before it even started, as Taesan slipped his headphones on & walked away.

Disappointed, Y/N walked into her apartment, now thinking about what she was gonna make for dinner.

Twisting & turning in her bed, she huffed & turned to stare at her ceiling. 'Taesan'... he invaded her thoughts, circling her mind like a satellite.

Y/N couldn't take it anymore, she got out of bed & walked out of her room towards the front door. She stepped into the hallway barefoot, not caring for any shoes at the moment. Eager, she knocked on the door in front of her.

*knock knock knock knock*

Y/N was getting impatient, luckily the door finally opened, revealing Taesan. His eyes slightly widened at the sight in front of him. Y/N stood there in only a oversized t shirt, still barefoot outside of his door.

His breath hitched. That night flashed in his mind, remembering her lacy underwear. Meeting her half lidded eyes, he noticed the look on her face...rather serious.

"Y/N? Is everything alright?" Taesan asked concerned. It was very late, he assumed she would have been in bed by now.

{ NOTE: If you're one of those readers, cue the music! }

Y/N suddenly pulled him down by his shirt, her lips collided with his. He was shocked but didn't hesitate to kiss her back. The sudden kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session.

Y/N pushed him into his apartment, not breaking the kiss. Taesan pushed Y/N against the door, simultaneously closing it. His hands took Y/N's arms wrapping them around his neck. Y/N complied, pulling him closer not wanting to leave any space between them. She ran her hand through his soft hair, gently gripping it. She could feel him smile against her lips.

Taesan lifted Y/N's shirt, just enough for him to rest his hands on her bare hips, lightly squeezing them. His touch felt electrifying to her as their lips moved in sync.

In a swift motion Taesan picked Y/N up, taking her to his room. He sat on the side of the bed with Y/N on his lap as he enjoyed her slight dominance.

Pulling away, they caught their breaths. Y/N looked down at Taesan, observing him. His lips parted as he softly panted, his hair slightly messy.

Her eyes trailed down to the buttons on his shirt, her hands moving up to unbutton them. She slid the shirt off of his shoulders. Meeting his eyes, he looked back at her with a lustful gaze, silently begging for more.

Y/N smiled, bringing her hand up to his face. Dragging her fingers from his jaw, to his chest, to finally resting her hand on his stomach. Y/N leaned in once again, but stopped mere inches away from his face, teasing him. They could feel each other's breaths as they maintained eye contact.

Impatient, Taesan decided to close the gap himself, this time bringing a new feel to the kiss. It was a bit rough & desperate this time.

Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck pressing herself against him, she started to grind on him slowly. Taesan gasped into the kiss, his breathing becoming erratic. He pulled away, resting his forehead on Y/N's shoulder.

"You're so irresistible." He said almost whispering,

"Is that why you avoided me? Because i'm so irresistible?" Y/N interrogated,

"No, that was me controlling myself." Taesan replied looking up at her.

"Then don't, not anymore." Y/N ordered.

Taesan stared into her eyes, his room was dimly lit but he could still see her clearly. That was all the reassurance he needed.

Taesan slipped Y/N's shirt off tossing it to the side. He began kissing her neck, his lips sending shock waves throughout her body. She brought her hand up to his hair again, softly gripping it. Moving down to her collar bone she felt his hot breath on her bare chest.

'This is it...' they both thought. The moment they so desperately longed for.

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IM SORRY FOR THIS CHAPTER!😭 Believe it or not, this is very watered down from the original draft.

Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed<3
ฅ^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^ฅ

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed<3 ฅ^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^ฅ

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