𝑡𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑎𝑛 | 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠

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| Scenario: Taesan asks Y/N to teach him how to kiss |

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| Scenario: Taesan asks Y/N to teach him how to kiss |

{ This scenario was requested, hopefully my writing lived up to the expectations! There is a bit of detail.. so if you're not comfortable with this type of content, I advise you click out! }

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Y/N & Taesan sat in Taesan's bedroom. They were immersed in a video game, their usual pastime when they hung out. Taesan sat on the edge of his bed, Y/N laid next to him propped up on her elbows. The game was intense, both players focused & competitive, but their ease was evident as they conversed & laughed together.

As the game progressed, their talking died down. Taesan spoke to Y/N, breaking her concentration,

"Do you think it's weird that I can't kiss?" he asked casually.

Caught off guard, Y/N's thumb clicked the wrong button on her controller, & her character took a fatal hit. She sighed, more annoyed at herself than Taesan's ill timed question.

"Not really," she replied, "everyone experiences things at different paces." she responded with the same passiveness.

"Can you.. teach me?" Taesan looked down at her, his eyes curious.

"Teach you?" Y/N repeated, an amused smile tugging at her lips.

Y/N thought for a moment. She knew Taesan was a bit shy, but this direct request took her by surprise. 'Did he really not know how to kiss?' she thought, considering her response.

"Please?" he softly asked.

"Alright." Y/N responded, putting her controller aside.

Y/N shifted & slid off the bed, moving to stand in between Taesan's legs. She placed her hand behind his head, tangling her fingers in his hair.

"If you get uncomfortable at some point, let me know, okay?" she said, leaning in.

Taesan nodded, his eyes fixed on hers, his heart started racing. He never thought his close friend would be his first kiss. He had always found Y/N attractive, with her laid back & dominant demeanor, but he never expected this.

Her soft lips pressed against his gently, a firm but brief touch.

"That," she said, pulling away slightly, "was just a peck. No hard work behind that one." she smiled.

Taesan nodded, looking her in the eyes. Y/N leaned in again, this time capturing his upper lip between hers. She opened her mouth slightly & gave his bottom lip the same treatment, closing her mouth as she pressed a kiss to it. She alternated between both of his lips for a bit then pulled away.

"That's a pretty regular kiss, but you have to do a bit more work. Just.. follow my lead." Y/N said.

"Okay," Taesan replied softly.

Y/N leaned in & kissed him like before, Taesan slowly followed her rhythm as he started to kiss back. Y/N smiled as she did something new, giving his bottom lip a slight bite. Taesan's hands gripped the sheets beneath him.

"Open your mouth," she murmured against his lips.

Taesan's eyes shot open at her words. He pulled away, slightly taken aback. Y/N waited patiently for him, & observed his shy state, his cheeks tinted pink. Nonetheless, his curiosity & trust in Y/N overrid any nervousness.

He leaned in & parted his lips, allowing Y/N to explore further. Her tongue swirled & played with his as their saliva mixed, teaching him the art of a french kiss. Y/N pulled away after a few moments, leaving Taesan breathless.

"That's a french kiss. It can get intense, so remember to take breaks & catch your breath." she explained, "You'll be fine with these as a start."

Taesan nodded, processing the sensations he just experienced.

"How do I know if I'm.. doing it correctly?" he asked, collecting his understanding.

"Well, I guess that kinda depends on your partner, but i'd say you'd both fall into the same rhythm. Your movements will just complement each other." Y/N explained.

Y/N smiled, her hand still cupping the back of his head,

"I'll show you," she whispered, & pulled him in for another kiss.

This time she went slower, guiding him with gentle nips, correcting his angle & teaching him the rhythm. Taesan was a quick learner, & soon he found himself falling into the pace she set, their mouths moving in sync.

Y/N explored every inch of Taesan's mouth, her hands guided & supported his head. One of Y/N's hands slid from his head down to his neck, her thumb rubbing against his adam's apple. The sensation evoked a moan from Taesan, making Y/N pull away. She studied his flustered expression.

"Did I make you uncomfortable? We can stop if you want." Y/N spoke carefully.

Taesan shook his head slowly.

"I'm just.. processing," he managed to say, his breath slowly going back to normal.

"You did so well, you catch on fast." she teased.

Taesan buried his face in his hands, grinning thanks to Y/N's praise. Y/N leaned back & stretched her arms above her head,

"Well, I'd say that was a pretty good start," she said, her voice low & satisfied.

Taesan nodded, running a hand through his hair, still processing what had just happened.

"Yeah," he managed.

They both laughed, the tension breaking, but the air between them had shifted irrevocably. Y/N walked to the window, looking out at the sky,

"It's getting late," she said, her tone deliberately casual, "we should probably call it a day."

Taesan nodded, knowing she was right, but not quite ready to leave this intimate bubble they had created.

Y/N glanced at Taesan, catching his eye, & offered a soft smile. She walked over & gave him a hug.

"See you," she said.

"Yeah," he replied, "see you."

After Y/N saw herself out, Taesan sprawled out on his bed. He couldn't help but replay every moment, every sensation from their intimate lesson. He smiled, satisfied as he closed his eyes, drifting off.

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Pleasee comment any more requestsss! This was actually so fun, i'll have a few more requests out soon so keep an eye out for those! 😋

Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed<3
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