𝑗𝑎𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 | 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 | 𝑝𝑡.1

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𓇬 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀ 𓇬 ⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 𓇬

| Requested Scenario: Y/N protects the guy she likes |

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| Requested Scenario: Y/N protects the guy she likes |

{ This is a two part request, & it was pretty specific, so I hope i've fulfilled it as imagined!! }

𓇬 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀ 𓇬 ⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 𓇬

Y/N sat in her usual spot, between her friends Jiwoo & BM. Y/N was popular & respected among her peers, known for her flirty & bold personality. She twirled a lollipop in her mouth, laughing at something BM had said when her eyes wandered across the room.

That's when her eyes landed on him... Jaehyun. He sat a few rows ahead, hunched over his table, scrolling on his phone. His dark hair fell into his eyes, Y/N watched as he absently pushed it back, a smile tugging at her lips.

Y/N had always found him intriguing, she had noticed him in many of her classes & secretly thought he was cute. Jaehyun was quiet, but not in a shy way. More like... he was always lost in his own world of thoughts. Sometimes, Y/N would catch a hint of a smile on his lips, like he was enjoying something, but keeping it to himself.

Her gaze lingered on Jaehyun, but she noticed something off. Minhyun, Gunwoo, & Bin surrounded him, their body language... odd. Y/N's smile faded as she realized the interaction wasn't friendly. Her expression turned serious as she watched Minhyun shove Jaehyun, & grip his shoulder in a painful hold.

Jaehyun only looked back at him angry, but he did nothing as he didn't want to attract attention. Without a second thought, Y/N stood up, BM & Jiwoo exchanged curious glances before following her. She marched over to the trio. She pulled Minhyun's arm away from Jaehyun's shoulder, & twisted it sharply.

"Ah! Ah- Y/N! What are you crazy?!" Minhyun yelped, taken aback by her sudden intervention.

"You can't take a little twist yet you lay your hands on others?" Y/N replied coldly, her grip tightening.

Bin, trying to step up, stepped towards Y/N, but Y/N was quicker. She released Minhyun, letting him stumble, & she stepped right in front of him.

"What? What are you gonna do?" she said in a taunting tone.

Y/N's friends snickered behind her as Bin looked nervous & backed off.

"What are you doing?!" Minhyun shouted at Bin, clearly frustrated at him cowering.

"You guys are so miserable, it's embarrassing," Y/N hissed, turning her attention to Gunwoo, raising her eyebrow at him as if waiting for him to try something.

Gunwoo, sensing Y/N's intentions, backed away, hands raised in surrender. Gunwoo knew better & pulled the other two away with him. Y/N's eyes softened as she turned her attention to Jaehyun.

𝐵𝑂𝑌𝑁𝐸𝑋𝑇𝐷𝑂𝑂𝑅 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now