𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑛ℎ𝑎𝑘 | 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠

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‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

| Scenario: you're on your lady days & woonhak offers some comfort |

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| Scenario: you're on your lady days & woonhak offers some comfort |

‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

In Y/N's living room, the soft glow of the television cast flickering shadows across the walls as she & her friend Woonhak settled in for their usual gaming session.

On this particular day, Y/N was curled up on the couch, a video game controller in her hands as she tried to focus on the screen before her.

But something was off. As Y/N gripped her controller in one hand, she couldn't shake the growing discomfort in her abdomen. An obvious symptom of her period. With each passing moment, the pain intensified, an unbearable ache that left her feeling drained & irritable.

Woonhak noticed the change in Y/N's behavior almost immediately. He watched her carefully, his brow furrowing with concern as he noticed the way she winced with each passing cramp, her usual focus on the game slipping away. He paused the game, setting his controller aside as he shifted closer to her on the couch.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you in pain?" he asked softly, his brow furrowed with concern.

"It's just cramps." she admitted, not wanting to make a fuss.

But Woonhak noticed her wrapping an arm around her midsection.

"I'm fine, it'll pass." She reassured him once more.

But Woonhak knew better than to brush it off. He reached out, gently prying the controller from her hands & setting it aside.

"Come here," he said softly but sternly, opening his arms in invitation.

With a sigh Y/N complied, scooting closer & resting her head in his lap. Woonhak moved his hand towards her stomach & lifted her shirt up a bit,

"What are yo-" Y/N started,

"Shhhhh." He cut her off.

She relaxed slightly as she felt his gentle touch on her stomach. For a moment, they stayed like that. The only sound in the room the quiet hum of the television & their soft breathing. Woonhak's hand moved in slow, circular motions against Y/N's abdomen, his touch surprisingly soothing as it eased the tension in her muscles.

"Is this okay?" he asked, his voice a low rumble that vibrated against her cheek.

Y/N nodded, already feeling some of the tension leaving her body.

"Yeah, it helps," she admitted, closing her eyes.

Y/N focused on the steady rhythm of Woonhak's breathing, & the gentle caress of his fingers against her abdomen. It was a simple gesture, but in that moment, it meant everything. She had always known that Woonhak was a great friend, but today, he had gone above & beyond to comfort her in this time of need.

Before she even realized it, the cramps had subsided, leaving only a sense of temporary relief. Woonhak's movements slowed but didn't stop.

"Better?" he asked,

Y/N hummed as a response, her eyelids feeling heavy as sleep settled over her like a warm blanket.

"Much better," she breathed, snuggling into his lap. "Thank you."

A soft chuckle rumbled through Woonhak's chest as he looked down at her, his expression one of selfless affection.

"Anytime." he replied, his hand continuing its soothing motions.

Within minutes, Y/N had drifted off to sleep, her expression finally relaxed & free of pain. Woonhak watched over her, a smile spread across his lips as he grabbed the remote switching off their game, & putting on a movie.

‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

I'm on my lady days & it's miserable, so here's this. I'm sorry it's so short, I thought about this just now & wanted to write it down before I forgot about it.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed<3
ฅ^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^ฅ

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