𝑗𝑎𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 | 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑤𝑒 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤

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𓇬 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀ 𓇬 ⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 𓇬

| Requested Scenario: Cold/Toxic Marriage |

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| Requested Scenario: Cold/Toxic Marriage |

{ The request was angst, but I cannot write angst for the life of me so here's... whatever this is😭 I tried! There is some cussing, but nothing crazy, so just letting that be known. Also, the paragraphs in italics are 1st person & in Y/N's pov. }

𓇬 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀ 𓇬 ⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 𓇬

Y/N sat crossed legged in the car as she looked out the window, watching the rain fall from the night sky. The world outside mirrored the storm inside her heart. Her vision started to blur, she shut her eyes tight forcing out the unwanted tears, quickly wiping them off after.

Next to her, sat her husband Jaehyun. He too looked out his window, remaining silent as they were driven home.

"This is ridiculous." she muttered, & looked at the driver, "Can you go any faster?" Y/N asked quietly.

"Do you want us to crash? What's wrong with you?" Jaehyun spoke harshly, still looking out the window.

"What's wrong with you? Don't speak to me like that." Y/N countered.

Jaehyun let out a heavy sigh.

"Let's just make it home in peace." Jaehyun said.

As their driver drove into the huge garage of their luxury home, Y/N was the first to step out of the car, immediately putting in the code to the door that led inside their home. She didn't bother waiting for Jaehyun, they had just argued before coming home & she had no intention of softening up first.

Y/N walked inside, she stepped out of her heels & picked them up. A maid hurried over to her, taking Y/N's things out of her hands.

"Welcome home Miss Y/N." she said.

"Thank you Eunji." Y/N softly smiled at her.

"I can take your things too Mr. Jaehyun," Eunji said, as she saw Jaehyun walk up behind Y/N.

"I can do it." Jaehyun replied.

Eunji nodded & started to walk away.

"Eunji," Y/N called out making the maid turn around, "go home after you've put those away. Thank you for working today."

"Thank you Miss Y/N. Good night to the both of you." Eunji responded politely before walking away.

Y/N made her way into the kitchen, she pulled out a bottle of wine from the fridge & poured herself a glass. Y/N took her glass & walked into the living room, settling on the couch.

She stared blankly in front of her as she sipped from her glass. She felt Jaehyun walk up behind her so she quickly stood up, not wanting to deal with him. As she started to walk away, he started,


His tone didn't faze her. Y/N simply turned around & spoke,

"Then what should I do? Take your bullshit? Or shout at you like you always do? HM?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!" Y/N responded with his own tone.

Jaehyun was caught off guard for a moment before he reached up to massage the bridge of his nose.

"Why do you make it so difficult?" Jaehyun asked.

"You're the one making it difficult for everyone. If you weren't so arrogant & self centered you'd see that. If you'd just take the time to listen-" Y/N paused as she didn't expect his next actions.

Suddenly enraged again Jaehyun snatched Y/N's glass of wine out of her hand & smashed it onto a nearby wall.

"WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE FUCKING PROBLEM?! YOU'RE NOT A SAINT-" Jaehyun shouted almost in Y/N's face.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Y/N yelled, shoving his chest with force.


A pang of hurt flashed across Jaehyun's face, her words stung. But it only fueled his anger as he started up again. Jaehyun's voice shouting back at her muffled as she slammed her door shut, locking it. Y/N stood against her door, sliding down to hug her knees.

' How did we let it get this bad? This is all we ever do now. Fight, act like nothing happened, then fight, then act like nothing happened, then we  fight &  fight some more... how did we become so miserable? '

Y/N got up & walked into her closet. She changed into a silk pajama set, then went to settle in her bed. As Y/N laid in her bed, she heard a loud boom outside... thunder. She sighed & sat up, as if waiting for something. After a few minutes he knocked on her door.

Y/N got up & went to open the door. Jaehyun stood there, looking back at her with a conflicted expression on his face.

"I... are you okay?" He asked impulsively.

"I am. Are you?" Y/N replied coldly.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" He asked, not meeting her gaze.

"Yeah." Y/N responded knowingly.

Without another word, he brushed past Y/N & hurried onto her bed. Y/N rolled her eyes but followed after him after closing her door.

Jaehyun was already under the covers, facing away from her side of the bed. With a sigh, she climbed in beside him.

"You're pathetic, being scared of a little storm," she muttered, though her tone lacked its usual bite.

Jaehyun didn't respond, curling into a tighter ball as another thunderclap boomed outside. Y/N watched the tense line of his shoulders for a moment before slowly scooting closer, draping one arm over his waist & pressing herself against his back.

She felt him shudder, then gradually relax back against her. They laid like that in silence, Y/N rubbing slow circles over Jaehyun's stomach with her hand as the storm raged outside. After a bit, Jaehyun clutched onto her hand & brought it up to his face. Y/N pressed a small kiss onto the nape of his neck as she held him close, a silent acknowledgment of his remorse.

She knew he would never admit how much he needed this, how much her presence alone could soothe his nerves. Just like she would never admit that despite their constant bickering, she still loved him deeply. Jaehyun had changed, but despite his behavior, his love for Y/N didn't.

' We're so pathetic, I know. But I can't allow myself to let him suffer. As much as we hurt each other... we always end up like this. But what can we do? It's always been like this, it's all we know. '

𓇬 𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀ 𓇬 ⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒 𓇬

Guys I literally cannot write sad stories they turn out so bad😭 Mmmm I think I might delete this later idk😭 I'll see how it does.

Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed<3
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